RSS --> parse --> email or Grab email --> parse --> email out



I'm still trying to figure out the programs to use. Any suggestions?

Grab email --> parse --> email out
Planned on fetchmail --> procmail

RWS Club

Insufficient information to advise you at all. in more detail, what are you trying to do?
I'm trying to do the same thing either way with an in-house desktop dual boot linux server:

I want to parse unneeded content from RSS feeds or emails of feeds and email them to my wireless device which is text only capable with a character limit thus I need to parse of unneeded spaces and characters, which I can do once it's actually setup.

Option A:
Linux Server pulls emails from external mailbox ---> parses emails of unneeded info ---> re-emails it to my wireless device (email address)

Option B:
Linux server pulls RSS feeds-->parses unneeded info --> emails to my device (email address)

Option B seems easier, but unsure if this would be the case

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