Removing Cups Printing Services


Sep 26, 2020
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I installed Apparmor, and after everything was set up I 'aa-status' to see the results. At the bottom of my results it says '/usr/sbin/cupsd (706)'.
Since Cups is a printing service, and I will never need a printer, is it ok to remove all Cups and dependencies? Also, cupsd is not listed in synaptic?

Thanks for your help!

Afaik - It should be OK to do that!!
I’m not near my pc ATM, and I’m not sure offhand which cups packages are available.
From the reference to synaptic, I can deduce that you’re running a Debian based distro.

If you want to find the package containing cupsd, install apt-file, if you don’t already have it:
sudo apt install apt-file

Then you can find out which package provides cupsd like this:
apt-file search /usr/sbin/cupsd

or was it, this?:
apt-file show /usr/sbin/cupsd

One of the two!

once you’ve identified the package - you can uninstall it.

And to identify all installed cups packages, you can try:
apt search cups —names-only | \grep -i installed

That should list any installed packages with cups in the name. Which should include all installed packages related to cups, but you might get a few other unrelated packages listed which contain the word cups in their names. But it should allow you to identify which packages to remove.

Also, before running an apt command to remove packages, try doing it with the -s, or —simulate option first, just so you can see what will be removed. Just in case the removal of cups does have wider implications for the system!!
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The results listed cups-client and cups-daemon. I first removed cups-client and still still had the apparmor error. Then I removed cups-daemon and the apparmor error is now gone. I will say I made a huge error by not scrolling all the way through your message and I did all this before reading the -s simulation part.
It could be a good idea to have Timeshift installed and setup. Then you have a system restore point to go back to just in case things really go south !
That thought crossed my mind when I got my computer a month ago. I need to look into using timeshift.
I only keep 2 snapshots in any month.....I replace one snapshot every two weeks. Saved to an external drive.
If you need a blow by blow, just ask.
I've done a boatload of research on 'backing up' your system. I've experimented with Timeshift, dejavu, backula, and even did research on foxclone and clonezilla.. i just never fully committed to backing up my system. For some reason I just shy away from it. Let's see a blow by blow. Thanks!

Timeshift for Linux is an application that provides functionality similar to the System Restore feature in Windows and the Time Machine tool in Mac OS. Timeshift protects your system by taking incremental snapshots of the file system at regular intervals. These snapshots can be restored at a later date to undo all changes to the system.

In RSYNC mode, snapshots are taken using rsync and hard-links. Common files are shared between snapshots which saves disk space. Each snapshot is a full system backup that can be browsed with a file manager.

In BTRFS mode, snapshots are taken using the in-built features of the BTRFS filesystem. BTRFS snapshots are supported only on BTRFS systems having an Ubuntu-type subvolume layout (with @ and @home subvolumes).

Timeshift is similar to applications like rsnapshot, BackInTime and TimeVault but with different goals. It is designed to protect only system files and settings. User files such as documents, pictures and music are excluded. This ensures that your files remains unchanged when you restore your system to an earlier date. If you need a tool to backup your documents and files please take a look at the excellent BackInTime application which is more configurable and provides options for saving user files.

Timeshift is a system restore utility for Linux

Yes it operates in Debian etc etc
The pic below is from my pc
Timeshift main screen.png

Then, click on you will choose where you are going to store the Snapshots made by Timeshift. (External Hard Drive)

Then Click on SCHEDULE.

You will note that I have selected nothing. You can either select a schedule that suits you or select nothing and just Create what you need later.

Then USERS....

Note that I include all Files. (might as well have them all as only some of them


The settings I have there work for me. (Filters is a complex topic all on its own.)

and lastly Misc....change the date format if you need to.

Then CLOSE this window

That will take you back to the main window

Close all other apps etc etc...
and click on CREATE
This will place a snapshot on the drive you NOT interrupt it. The first snapshot will take some time.....all subsequent snapshots will take less time, because it will only store whatever has changed.

You can keep as many or as few snapshots as you like....this will depend on ho0w 'busy' your pc delete a snapshot prior to taking a fresh one...simply click on Delete

If you choose to keep a 'schedule' of snapshots, they will be done automatically.

@wizardfromoz has a Timeshift topic HERE

How to use Timehsift HERE

Both good reads.

QUESTIONS ?....either here or over at wizards topic

Timeshift main screen.png
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I've done a boatload of research on 'backing up' your system. I've experimented with Timeshift, dejavu, backula, and even did research on foxclone and clonezilla.. i just never fully committed to backing up my system. For some reason I just shy away from it. Let's see a blow by blow. Thanks!
sudo rsync -auv /home /media/john/Backup1     <------- the "1" is replaced by "2", "3", or "4" based on my rotation schedule.

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