Question on "INSTALL" file



There is a file that is often included in packages for compiling and installing software. The file is: "INSTALL".

It is NOT the "install" file that everyone uses as part of the configure, make process.

It appears to be a file that the developer can modify to give specific instructions to the user. I do not think it is needed to compile the software, but is just for the user.

Can anyone tell me for sure whether this is used by the system, or is just information for the user?

Often applications are just compressed. When they are uncompressed they are ready to install. Not every application needs to be compiled.

As a last resort, you can download a .tar.gz file. The .tar.gz file extension indicates the file is a compressed set of files and folders (the compressed files you see in Windows usually have a .zip extension). If you see the .tar.gz, it could be compressed files that have a precompiled binary file, or it could be compressed files that have the source code allowing you to compile the application from source.
Just information for the user. This file is like the REAME.
Upper case file names of that sort are usually the documentation included in a source tarball.

$ less INSTALL
to use the less pager to read the contents.

Also depending on your distribution, you would be ill advised to use autotools (./configure make, make install, etc) to build from source. Look into creating packages from source which can then be installed using your distro's native package manager.
