I am fairly sure openvpn uses Firewall ip-tables as part of its secure approach. In other words, it inserts a set of firewall rules when the vpn is running.
I use Airvpn. The two are very similar, in that they both use firewall tables.
I also experienced a few minor glitches in this area......I found that the default Firewall did not switch itself back to normal mode when I had disconnected the vpn
So, I now use Firewalld <<<....note the
d ....I use this as my firewall. It remains turned ON, indefinitely.
The default Linux firewall (ufw) stays turned
OFF ......When the vpn is activated, it automatically uses the firewall tables associated with the ufw firewall. It does not have to be turned on for the vpn to use it.
This solved any dramas I was having with airvpn and I think it will solve yours too.
Firewalld is available in the Software Manager in Linux Mint Cinnamon
(menu...type in software manager...search for firewalld....install)
You can check to make sure it running with
It will answer with one word......
I have found it to be absolutely reliable. 10/10
I let it run with its default settings.