I use Fedora 29 WS (workstation), as does our Admin @Rob .
I have been using Fedora since the 23's, and once installed, I quite like it.
However, they persist in using Anaconda as an Installer, and I find that to be a royal PITA sometimes, it is just not user-friendly enough for my liking.
custom.cfg - openSUSE so far out of the 80 I use, and 120 or more I have tried, is the first I have found that plays ball with the MJRO's and other Arch-based without discrimination.
Yes, at this point I do not know if it is isolated (just a birth defect) or more involved. Of course these things always present n the middle of the night when I MRI is not available. Hopefully I will know more by later today. Yes, very sad.
I believe the parents will now need major help from a support group from the blind....there should be some good ones on the east coast of the USA. They will learn to read braille, so they can help their bub as he/she ages.
Currently they are just trying to deal with the shock of it! I hope for their sake that it is not part of the larger syndromes that this can occur with. If it is isolated to the eyes, blindness will be the only issue (if that isn't enough) to deal with. If part of a larger syndrome the prognosis can be grim.
Given that we like to chat here a lot, amongst the cyber-friends we make, and we do not "police" that in any sort of draconian way ... I can make a glib remark such as "Jeffrey you must be on call", and hardly give a thought to the fact that Members such as your good self work in an industry, a vocation or a calling, if you will, which experiences a multitude of highs and lows during any and perhaps every day.
As a grandparent and a parent, and as a husband (all shared by Brian and others here) ... I am touched by your revelation.