Migrating from Windows--not easy switch



I do not know enough about computers. Friend talked me into trying Linux Mint. Want to download games for family and cannot play because I don't know how to connect to server. Host name? Port?

Perhaps I am too old. send me to correct forum or place to begin, please. Thanks

How do you normally connect to the Internet? Wire? Cable? Wireless? PPOE?
We have wired internet. Thanks, for trying to help, by the way.
if you're migrating from windows, learn a lot about the command line interface. it will make you forget windows and get to grips with linux. also, pick up a beginner's book on linux and then, follow the beginner's tutorials on this forum. i just got used to enjoying them.
@Jasm: if u are using wired internet try using "pppoeconf" command to configure ur network
