

Well-Known Member
May 17, 2018
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I have to find out my MAC-adress for a MAC-filter in school. ifconfig gave my this output:

what is my MAC-adress?
Bildschirmfoto von 2018-11-13 22-23-29 - 1.png

@JasKinasis - Jas tell me if I am wrong, but Peer has two MAC addresses, one for ethernet card (starts 10:e7: ...) and one for wifi card. He might need both for school?

@Peer - When you give us output from Terminal, can you copy and paste it rather than give us a screenshot? You can paste it inside the Code tags (under the + sign on Toolbar), like the code I am about to print. :)

You can also get the MAC addresses for both ethernet and wifi with

ip link

Each one is described as "link/ether"

Cheers all

@JasKinasis - Jas tell me if I am wrong, but Peer has two MAC addresses, one for ethernet card (starts 10:e7: ...) and one for wifi card. He might need both for school?

Each network card have their own unique mac address ( bt, wifi, ethernet...etc}

Here the wifi is connected to the local network, but yes, if he wants to connect BOTH (Wifi and Ethernet) on a protected mac filtered network, then he will have to use both mac in the 'ether' category.

Also, with Linux, it's really easy to modify the mac address and usurpate another one, so mac filtred only network will not really improve security.
Quite so, and good to see that you are getting in early and helping, @tchakatak :)

If you get a chance, swing over to and say "Hi" and meet a few of the gang :p

Wireshark, for example, and other packet sniffers, is/are quite easily used for spoofing purposes with MAC address, but as Peer is doing this for school, we might be best off just leaving him with the approach to be taken by his Teacher? Doesn't mean, though, that he might have questions to ask there that may be of use to some, without disrupting the class.



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