Thanks Guys the tips helped a bunch,
Mostly firefox and chrome, but I collect tabs like magic cards, so I'm trying to stow away the stuff I don't need right now in chrome and keep it closed until I remember it.
@Jonds :-
Just out of curiosity, when you say "browser(s)" AND "lots of tabs" many browsers are open at the same time, and just HOW many tabs?
Modern browsers are RAM hogs.....the Chromium-based ones especially. Every single tab runs its own process, and each and every tab can use up anywhere from perhaps 90MB up to around 300+ MB, depending on how "heavy" the specific web-site is.
16GB sounds like a lot of RAM, but when running multiple browsers, and making heavy use of them, it can soon get sucked-up, believe me.
I run with 32GB RAM, yet because I often have multiple browsers open - I re-package a whole bunch of 'em into 'portable' format for the Puppy Linux community - I've often got down to around half my available RAM without really trying.....
I also run a 64GB swap partition on this HP Pavilion desktop rig; I often suspend overnight, and the HP insists on saving the whole of my RAM to a single location, whether it's in use or not; it doesn't like you splitting this up between smaller swap areas.
Mostly firefox and chrome, but I collect tabs like magic cards, so I'm trying to stow away the stuff I don't need right now in chrome and keep it closed until I remember it.
Helped on both browsersAuto Tab Discard.
I did this too, it seemed helpful, but wouldn't stop it from happeningYou may find this tutorial helpful also.