Latest newbie (i.e. intro) with a question about Chromium



Hello everyone.

My name is Claude Doucet, I live in Montréal, Québec, Canada.

I have been aware of Linux for a long time, but never really took the time to look into it, until last week... Apart from my Windows 7 desktop, which is fairly up to date, components-wise, I also have an older laptop (Acer TravelMate 2420), wich was running Windows XP. With the discontinuance of XP support, and the fact that it was slow as molasses while running XP to begin with, I decided to look into Linux, and finally decided to install Lubuntu, as it is said to be less ressource-hungry than other distros.

Because of the small hard drive (40GB), and the fact that even if deleting most of the programs I used in Windows, I still had barely 16GB available, I chose to not run a dual boot, but to completely get rid of XP and use the whole hard drive for Lubuntu. The risk is minimal, as the friend who sold me the laptop can reinstall XP, should I ever choose to do so. But I want to give Lubuntu a fair chance, first.

I have the following partitions on the disk:
/boot, 250MB (Ext4)
/ , 27GB (Ext4)
Linux-swap, 2GB (same as amount of memory on laptop)
/media, 11GB (NTFS), so I can drop files onto the laptop from my Win7 machine.

On my Win7 machine, I use Google Chrome as my default browser. I am used to it, I have all my favorites on it, the plugins I use regularly, the search engines I like, etc. I figured I would use Chromium, in Linux, to browse, so as to keep all those favorites, etc. Now that it is installed, I can't type into it! Neither in the omnibox, to go to any particular web address, nor in the sign-in box, to sync all my settings. If I go to the Firefox browser, I can type in it just fine. The version downloaded is Version 34.0.1847.116 Ubuntu 14.04 aura (260972).

Though I doubt this has anything to do with it, I also downloaded (but did not yet activate) Gufw (firewall) and Clamtk (antivirus).

Can anyone think of what would cause this to happen? I'd really like to use Chromium, if I can...

Hello everyone.

My name is Claude Doucet, I live in Montréal, Québec, Canada.

Blah, blah, blah... Chromium troubles... blah blah blah...

Well, this sure is weird: out of curiosity, I opened Leafpad, and typed in my email and password, then copied and pasted them into the login screen of Chromium. Since then, I have been able to type into Chromium just fine.

I don't get it, but I don't really care, at this point... at least it works.

Although I would be curious as to whether anyone has any idea of why that happened, but it is no longer as critical...

(I wish all computer problems were that easy to solve...)
Have you tried updating?

In a Terminal input the following commands (a line at a time)
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Well, this sure is weird: out of curiosity, I opened Leafpad, and typed in my email and password, then copied and pasted them into the login screen of Chromium. Since then, I have been able to type into Chromium just fine.

I don't get it, but I don't really care, at this point... at least it works.

Although I would be curious as to whether anyone has any idea of why that happened, but it is no longer as critical...

(I wish all computer problems were that easy to solve...)

I stand corrected: it's an on-again, off-again relationship: sometimes it lets me type, sometimes it doesn't and only allows pasting through mouse actions...

What happens is you use shortcuts? e.g. Ctrl+l (that's...L) to go into the top box.
What happens is you use shortcuts? e.g. Ctrl+l (that's...L) to go into the top box.
I try to type, once the URL is highlighted, but nothing comes from it.

Keyboard shortcuts work: I highlighted some text on a web page, and used CTRL+C to copy it. I used Ctrl-L to highlight the omnibox (top box, as you called it), then tried Ctrl-V to paste, to no avail. However, a right-click of the mouse, followed by the Paste option in the context menu worked. (But that does not help much, as the Enter key won't work from there...)
Have you tried Google Chrome instead. It's very similar to Chromium. It syncs and uses the same extensions.
And here I was, thinking that Chromium was the Linux version of Chrome... I know they're related, but I thought Chromium was the one I was supposed to use, seeing as Chrome was not listed in the Lubuntu Software Center... But now that I've installed it, Chrome works just fine (and Chromium still refuses to let me type anything anywhere...)

The first time I used Ubuntu I made the same mistake. *facepalm*

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