James Bond Style Encryption: Using Cryptsetup LUKS to Setup Encryption with Plausible Deniability


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2024
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If you're a privacy enthusiast, an aspiring Mr. Robot, new to Kali, or simply someone wanting to keep personal data extra private—this blog post is for you!

This article that I wrote explains in detail how to use Cryptsetup LUKS with a detached header on Linux to make the encryption itself undetectable. It works best for external storage media like USB sticks, SD cards, and external drives.

The tutorial describes in full detail how to set up a detached LUKS header, which makes your encrypted data appear as if you simply just wiped your storage device. Perfect for anyone who prefers their security measures to be as covert as a spy's!
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Thanks for posting, will review it shortly. I wanted to make a container, an encrypted volume on Linux. I've already done so on Win10. It appears as a raw filesystem.
Not sure what you mean but if you tell me I'll be happy to build it ;)

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