Since seeing a few JACK and DAW related posts recently - I finally tried installing ardour and jack and a few other bits on my new laptop. I used to have a home recording set up like this on my old laptop. Thought it was about time to put it on my current one.....
And when I tried starting JACK - I got errors relating to JACK being unable to start and unable to connect as a client too.
What fixed it for me was going into the qjackctl settings and changing the driver from ALSA to NET. Then I restarted the JACK server in qjackctl and it started properly.
Then I stopped JACK and changed the driver back to ALSA, restarted JACK and it worked properly again.
Regarding video’s - I did manage to reproduce this problem myself.
Stopping JACK restored the audio. And starting JACK again caused the video to be silent.
I didn’t bother trying to fix this behaviour. Generally speaking - if I’m using JACK - I’m using it to record via a DAW, so I don’t want, or need to be wasting valuable CPU/RAM resources playing videos in the browser. And I don’t want any extra noise from the video, because I’m trying to hear what I’m recording.
But AFAIK, when JACK’s running, it takes ownership/control over the audio devices. So any audio needs to be routed through JACK
So I‘d imagine to get the browser audio working when JACK’s running - you’d probably have to set up a route for audio from the browser to the speaker output in JACKs settings. Assuming that JACK is able to pick the browser up as an audio source.... IDK!
But if you install JACK’s Pulseaudio plugin - that should allow JACK to detect the browser as an audio source.... I think?!