In shell script set the new password for a user



In shell script i want set the password for user itk .. Below is the scenario.

The script has to wait for New UNIX password: and then enter new password and then again wait for

Retype new UNIX password: and then enter the same password again and then wait for successfully message and then move ahead with other commands in the script.

root@ESELIVEDOSDP013 /var/opt # passwd itk
Changing password for user itk.
New UNIX password:
BAD PASSWORD: it is based on a dictionary word
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

How about just "passwd $USER && <subsequent commands>". According to the manpage, passwd only exits with success if no error was encountered in the process, and "&&" will not run subsequent commands unless passwd is successful.

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