I cannot boot with Vanilla-dpup (Puppy Linux)


Active Member
May 3, 2023
Reaction score
I downloaded the recent "Vanilla-dpup" flavor of Puppy Linux as I've discovered on Github:

Sadly, I was unable to boot with this ISO. It doesn't like Ventoy. Then I tried to burn the ISO into a 16GB USB disk with "dd" but it still fails to boot via UEFI or by "legacy" BIOS. I don't have "secure boot" enabled. I have been able to boot almost everything else with what I have, including Fatdog64 via the "legacy" method only, so I can't understand what is happening with this one. Is this ISO like that of Porteus where the user has to go inslde of the ISO and copy files into specific places?

I have been able to boot in the past successfully with at least two Puppy Linux examples, both based on Slackware. The latest time was with the December-2022 release. (EDIT: "S15Pup64"(*)) Prefer how that one looks to EasyOS and other Puppy act- and look-alikes. <3

(*) according to: https://forum.puppylinux.com/puppy-linux-collection

I chose to create a new topic for this, instead of posting on "my thread" because this could have happened to other people.

I have previously tried the v10. Tried with v9, the same thing. It doesn't look like it even wants to be burned with "dd" in Linux. So I go into Windows and try Rufus, but it refuses to do anything because it's missing one file and I cannot upgrade from Windows. Obviously cannot try the other "burn" option, like using "dd" on Linux.

Way to go. Why even release this stuff if it doesn't even work?

Never again did I want to use Rufus because it never worked for me except for a "really popular" thing like Ubuntu. I had used Fedora Media Writer but I don't think the Windows program was ever raised to 64-bit -- what if M$ kills 32-bit support on Windows12?

I'm unwilling to try the Slackware-based Puppy Linux at this point. Was interested in this "Vanilla-Dpup" for being closer to a "standard" Debian installation. That's its main attraction, I think. I guess not. Can't review what I can't install and it's not fair if I have to write about only three days with EasyOS even with 64-bit-only Wine. That was really something, but I don't like the desktop and other things from that distro. Using the terminal is also uncomfortable for me on that distro.

I guess this thread is just for information. Was eager also to try SpaceFun or something else but now I'm frustrated. Happy Birthday U.S.A., almost 250 years.
