Helped a Friend at work get started with Linux.


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Oct 14, 2020
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Let me Preface this by saying that I guess you could call me a Linux Evangelist. I "Preach" Linux to anyone who'll listen. Well, I have a couple guys at work who's interest I've peaked and one of them came over last Wednesday with an older Dell Optiplex Core2 Duo with 8GB of RAM and we installed a 240GB SSD and did an MX 19.3 KDE install for him. He'd thought that Linux was ALL CLI but after seeing that beautiful KDE Desktop and seeing how easy it was to get new icons, change the menu around and generally do things within the system I think he'll be a new convert after he uses it for a while. His old computer ran great and was much faster than when it ran Windows. Over all he was very happy. I have another friend that wants to explore Linux and needs something where he can manipulate raw camera data so I'm going to get Ubuntu Studio installed for him when he gets a chance to come over. All in all I think the more we talk about Linux and help people move to it the more they'll understand just what an Awesome Operating System it is. That's all, just wanted to share and see how many of ya'll have turned others on to Linux.

I talk about GNU/Linux sometimes with people but I don't preach it, if someone is interested enough they will ask me more about it or they will do some research and reading themselves that's how it started for me. Preaching makes it sound like a religion as if GNU/Linux is the one and only truth when it comes to Operating Systems which makes it appear in negative way, have a look around world what preaching something as the one and only truth has caused.
Might be a nuance in language you're misconstruing there, @f33dm3bits

To "extol the virtues" of something is sometimes referred to as "preaching".

If @TNFrank was to try that with me (running 61 Distros currently), in Australia I would say "You are preaching to the converted" or in USA "preaching to the choir".

Goodonyer @TNFrank , keep it up ;)
I looked it up in a dictionary what "extol the virtues" means I see what you are getting at now. However when you talk about preaching in the real world it sheds more negative light on something, but I think you get where I was getting at. In short I do talk about GNU/Linux here and there when the conversation is something about technology or computers.

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