Graphics card driver issue?


New Member
Feb 16, 2021
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Since approximately 3 months, I see some videos (not all) in red colors in webkit-based browsers.
Like this:

Here's the output of lspci | grep VGA:

2d:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Ellesmere [Radeon RX 470/480/570/570X/580/580X/590] (rev ef)

I installed the driver xf86-video-amdgpu.

If I download the video, it plays fine in mplayer and mpv. I remember being able to see the red colors using gst-launch-1.0 as well.

Here's the output of uname -a:

Linux hostname-desktop 5.10.16-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat, 13 Feb 2021 20:50:18 +0000 x86_64 GNU/Linux

What could be the issue and how can I diagnose this kind of issues?


Can you share the youtube link, so I can see what it originally looks like?
Here it is:

It does not appear red anymore, though.

But this video still appears red:

And here's a screenshot of the latter:


Thanks for your answer!
I would say if works by downloading the file locally and playing it through mpv or mplayer it isn't a driver problem. I'm not too familiar with the browser-kits, can you specify the names of the browser it works with and the names of the browsers that you get the red/pink/orange/yellow colors video problem?
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It works fine in Firefox and Chrome.
It's red in Epiphany.
I tried installing Epiphany I can load youtube but not play any videos. I did find this youtube url which shows what browser are supported, Epipany isn't on the list just edge, google-chrome, firefox and opera. Since the downloaded videos play fine on your system it's not a driver issue, so I would think maybe you need to install some extra codecs for Epiphany or something like that? Try installing gstreamer?
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This isn't only limited to YouTube.

I already have the following packages installed:
  • gstreamer
  • gst-plugins-ugly
  • gst-plugins-good
  • gst-plugins-base-libs
  • gst-plugins-base
  • gst-plugins-bad-libs
  • gst-plugins-bad
  • gst-plugin-gtk
  • gst-libav
Is there any missing?

What made me think it could be a driver issue is that I have 2 laptops with an Intel integrated GPU with the same setup and I don't have this issue on those laptops.

Thanks for your help.
I read somewhere else those are needed so that's why I was asking, I doh't think it's a driver issue or else I would expect you to have have problems playing the videos locally with mpv/mplayer as well. Can you share the output of the following and what kernel you are running on, then we can check if the drivers for your graphics card are supported by the kernel to cancel that out at least.
lspci -nn | grep -i vga
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lspci --nn | grep -i vga
2d:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Ellesmere [Radeon RX 470/480/570/570X/580/580X/590] [1002:67df] (rev ef)

I use the default ArchLinux kernel, version 5.10.16.
That driver is supported by the kernel so it can't be that, I would ask on the Gnome forum since it's a Gnome Application and they will probably be able to best advise you on it.
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So, it might actually be something else. I've just realized that I don't have this issue in `Sway` while I do have it in `i3`. So either `wayland` fixes my issue, or `i3` has a problem.
So, it might actually be something else. I've just realized that I don't have this issue in `Sway` while I do have it in `i3`. So either `wayland` fixes my issue, or `i3` has a problem.
I'm using i3 as well. I just installed Epiphany and the gstreamer packages and I was able to play both videos without any problems so I was not getting the pinkish/reddish/yellowish colors you are getting. However I have an Nvidia graphics card so it does work with i3, the only way to cancel out your i3 configuration would be to replace your current i3 configuration with the default as a test and then see if it works then. If it does than it's something in your i3 configuration and if it doesn't the problem is somewhere else.
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I tried with the default config and same issue.
Since I don't have the problem with another computer using the same setup, I highly doubt it is due to the software.

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