Gaming on Linux is awesome


It is very fast to game on linux for me, wine is a very good application for games, anyone else agree with me that wine is something good for games?

A question though,

Will Rockstar Games and Ubisoft, Steam, release good games for Linux in the future? Without the use of Wine? ;)

I couldn't agree more these days. about wine being better than it was. Lutris, imo, is definitely a godsend for managing wine and keeping one's sanity when trying to understand how Wine works. I don't know who created Lutris or who mentioned it first on youtube, but for now, I give credit to Chris Titus Tech. That man knows his stuff and has provided a wealth of linux-variety content in a short period of time since he really dove into Linux.

As far as Rockstar and Ubisoft goes...that's a interesting toss up imo. And already virtually any Steam -Windows purchased game already works in native linux steam with proton beta enabled and doesn't need wine that I know of.
Also this seems to be good alternative to the epic launcher and also works under GNU/Linux. I have never tried it myself though since I am happy with Steam/Proton and I rather buy my games from Valve who are contributing to GNU/Linx gaming then a company like EPIC who doesn't.

-- Chris Titus Tech on youtube did a video about Legendary a little while back I think. I haven't tried it yet either, but plan to soon.
i have tested two games using wine, seems to work properly it is colin mcrae rally 2 and pure

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