Distro Decision

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Jim Laughlan

I'm currently using Ubuntu 14.04 but reading the posts on many boards people are really giving a thumbs up to Debian. I'm happy with Ubuntu but I've used both Gnome and KDE in the past and I'm getting lots of good feedback regarding them (I don't understand the issues with Unity as it's running fine with me) and I'm looking to go further in the Linux OS. Just want to know anyone's opinion regarding both distros.


It depends what you mean by
I'm looking to go further in the Linux OS

If you are happy with Ubuntu stay with it. You can "try" Debian. Go here: https://www.debian.org/distrib/ and click "Try Debian live before installing"

Ubuntu has many PPAs. Debian does not use that system. Debian has Rolling Releases e.g. Sid, Aptosid, Siduction, Semplice. Ubuntu does not use that system. Swings and roundabouts.

Ubuntu is used by some people on this Forum and it is not as restrictive as you might thing (e.g. @DevynCJohnson )

Ubuntu to Debian is going from one .deb based system to another. A sufficient move???
It depends what you mean by

If you are happy with Ubuntu stay with it. You can "try" Debian. Go here: https://www.debian.org/distrib/ and click "Try Debian live before installing"

Ubuntu has many PPAs. Debian does not use that system. Debian has Rolling Releases e.g. Sid, Aptosid, Siduction, Semplice. Ubuntu does not use that system. Swings and roundabouts.

Ubuntu is used by some people on this Forum and it is not as restrictive as you might thing (e.g. @DevynCJohnson )

Ubuntu to Debian is going from one .deb based system to another. A sufficient move???

I heard my name.

Yes, I love Ubuntu. Ubuntu is basically Debian with newer software. Debian tends to use older software and not get as many updates as Ubuntu. Debian is better for a server and Ubuntu is best for gaming servers and desktops/laptops, in my opinion. In general, if my hardware supports it, I use Ubuntu. I only use another distro if I have no choice (I use Pidora on the RPi).
Alright....Very good!
I'll stick with Ubuntu.
Why fix something that ain't broke?
Debian is not that much more difficult than the 'buntus, once a basic understanding of package handling and a rudimentary knowledge of configuration are in place. I encourage checking out the Debian-based distros listed below.


For the adventurous, a sid-based Debian distro (so-called Debian Unstable) will further a knowledge base in GNU/Linux and reward users' efforts with the ability to use 'cutting-edge' applications. The two distros below are a lot of fun to use.


Debian has been called "not a beginner's distro." This is primarily due to the Debian Free Software Guidelines and its repercussions relating to proprietary hardware drivers. Read for yourself.


Grow in Freedom -- use a Debian-based distribution! Eschew ubuntu!
Well...some people who knows say BUNTUS is the 'BEST' distro from penguin!
Au contrare, my goal is increasing awareness. To blame the messenger is a sign of ignorance. If one must blame, blame RMS (which is much like GM blaming Ralph Nader for the lack of safety of the Corvair).
@Jim Laughlan (OP)
Slackware and Debian and many of their so-based distros all make great desktop distributions. Please see Post #7, once again, for my considered answer.

The point may be moot at this point, but we're glad you asked!

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