I doubt you want to mount it at "/". That would wipe out your entire Linux install.
It won't erase it, but none of your commands would work, they would be hidden.
There are ways to do this from the GUI, but this is the command line way.
fdisk /dev/sdc
Press "g" - this will create a gpt partition table.
Press "w", this will write the table to the disk, and then kick you out of fdisk.
do this again...
fdisk /dev/sdc
Press "n" - this will create a new partition.
If you just accept the default and press enter a couple of times, this will create one large single partition.
Press "w" to write the new partition to the disk.
The disk has a partition table, but it isn't formatted yet. You need to decide what file-system format you want to use.
For ext4... mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdc1
For xfs... mkfs.xfs /dev/sdc1
Now you have a formatted partition that you can mount.
Typically you might mount this under /mnt like this.
mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt
But you can make a directory called anything.
cd /
mkdir /mydisk
mount /dev/sdc1 /mydisk
Now you can cd /mydisk and copy files here.
To unmount the disk
cd /
umount /mydisk