Ok, so I'm still learning Linux. The past couple days I've been going through every directory and opening up the files to read what they contain. I've read quite a bit about remote access. At the time I didn't know that the remote access services were not installed by default. I was using the systemctl stop/disable commands to try to disable telnet, samba, etc and getting an error. Now looking back, Ulyssa was telling me "hey dummy, it's not installed! What are you doing!?"
Anyways, I did some reading and the articles touched on remote access through the known services, and also through xserver and others. I was curious about disabling remote access period. I don't use it and have no need. I could be going down an incorrect path, that's why I'm here seeking advice.
To add, I installed a program called Alienvault OSSIM to mess around with it and it was showing someone trying to tunnel in via lightdm. I could have misread the log but I'm sure it was lightdm.