Building a Desktop Manager form scratch


New Member
Aug 27, 2023
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Can someone explain or give me some pointers on how i can code my own desktop enviroment?

I want to learn more about the building process of a Desktop Manager. so that i can make my own and i just don't know how and where to look on how to build one.
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And why do you want to create your own desktop environment if you don't know how to?
first of all i recently started my apprenticeship as application dev
second i want to learn more about linux and what makes distros unice.
and i ask because i want to learn.
Hello @YUM,
Welcome to the forum.
Please give some more info on what you are trying to do? Desktop environments can be anything for a window manager to full blown Desktop environment. So give us a little more to go on. Which linux distro are you currently using? What do you want to change?
In any event this page maybe of help.
sorry i realised that i was too unspecific with my question.
I want to learn more about the building process of a Desktop Manager. so that i can make my own and i just don't know how and where to look on how to build one.

As for the distro anything thats dabian based works.
YUM wrote:
I want to learn more about the building process of a Desktop Manager. so that i can make my own and i just don't know how and where to look on how to build one.

Desktop environments usually consist of windows, toolbars, icons, menus, wallpapers and widgets at a basic level, but may also include items such as a file manager, collections of graphical themes, and sundry other applications.

I guess you're familiar with the major desktop environments: K Desktop Environment (KDE), and GNOME, Xfce, LXDE, LXQT.

Toolkits are used to create the widgets which proliferate in desktop environments, e.g. Qt and GTK+. Early ones were Motif, Tk, FLTK.

Fortunately, with open source software, the source code for all of the items typically included in a desktop environment is freely available. Any interested individual can inspect the code and get a very precise idea of how it's all constructed and put together. Free and open source code can be used by anyone in accordance with the free and open source licences like the GPL, MIT or Apache licences. The repositories of code are often in github or gitlab, or easy to search for online.

Here's a sample of some of what GNOME provides in its desktop environment:
gnome                                          gnome-dictionary                               gnome-paint                                    gnome-shell-extension-prefs
gnome-2048                                     gnome-disk-utility                             gnome-panel                                    gnome-shell-extension-runcat
gnome-accessibility-themes                     gnome-dust-icon-theme                          gnome-panel-control                            gnome-shell-extensions
gnome-activity-journal                         gnome-dvb-client                               gnome-panel-data                               gnome-shell-extensions-extra
gnome-api-docs                                 gnome-dvb-daemon                               gnome-pass-search-provider                     gnome-shell-extension-shortcuts
gnome-applets                                  gnome-epub-thumbnailer                         gnome-passwordsafe                             gnome-shell-extension-system-monitor
gnome-applets-data                             gnome-extra-icons                              gnome-pie                                      gnome-shell-extension-tiling-assistant
gnome-audio                                    gnome-feeds                                    gnome-pkg-tools                                gnome-shell-extension-vertical-overview
gnome-autoar                                   gnome-firmware                                 gnome-platform-devel                           gnome-shell-extension-weather
gnome-backgrounds                              gnome-flashback                                gnome-power-manager                            gnome-shell-mailnag
gnome-bluetooth                                gnome-flashback-common                         gnome-remote-desktop                           gnome-shell-pomodoro
gnome-bluetooth3                               gnome-font-viewer                              gnome-robots                                   gnome-shell-pomodoro-data
gnome-bluetooth-3-common                       gnome-games                                    gnome-screensaver                              gnome-software
gnome-bluetooth-common                         gnome-genius                                   gnome-screensaver-flags                        gnome-software-common
gnome-bluetooth-sendto                         gnome-gmail                                    gnome-screenshot                               gnome-software-dev
gnome-boxes                                    gnome-human-icon-theme                         gnome-session                                  gnome-software-doc
gnome-brave-icon-theme                         gnome-hwp-support                              gnome-session-bin                              gnome-software-plugin-flatpak
gnome-breakout                                 gnome-icon-theme                               gnome-session-canberra                         gnome-software-plugin-snap
gnome-browser-connector                        gnome-icon-theme-gartoon                       gnome-session-common                           gnome-sound-recorder
gnome-builder                                  gnome-icon-theme-nuovo                         gnome-session-flashback                        gnome-split
gnome-calculator                               gnome-icon-theme-suede                         gnome-settings-daemon                          gnome-subtitles
gnome-calendar                                 gnome-icon-theme-yasis                         gnome-settings-daemon-common                   gnome-sudoku
gnome-calls                                    gnome-illustrious-icon-theme                   gnome-settings-daemon-dev                      gnome-sushi
gnome-calls-doc                                gnome-initial-setup                            gnome-shell                                    gnome-system-monitor
gnome-cards-data                               gnome-keyring                                  gnome-shell-common                             gnome-system-tools
gnome-characters                               gnome-keyring-pkcs11                           gnome-shell-extension-appindicator             gnome-taquin
gnome-chemistry-utils                          gnome-keysign                                  gnome-shell-extension-arc-menu                 gnome-terminal
gnome-chess                                    gnomekiss                                      gnome-shell-extension-autohidetopbar           gnome-terminal-data
gnome-clocks                                   gnome-klotski                                  gnome-shell-extension-bluetooth-quick-connect  gnome-tetravex
gnome-color-manager                            gnome-logs                                     gnome-shell-extension-caffeine                 gnome-text-editor
gnome-colors                                   gnome-mahjongg                                 gnome-shell-extension-dashtodock               gnome-theme-gilouche
gnome-colors-common                            gnome-maps                                     gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-panel            gnome-themes-extra
gnome-commander                                gnome-mastermind                               gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons-ng         gnome-themes-extra-data
gnome-commander-data                           gnome-menus                                    gnome-shell-extension-easyscreencast           gnome-themes-standard
gnome-common                                   gnome-mime-data                                gnome-shell-extension-espresso                 gnome-todo
gnome-connections                              gnome-mines                                    gnome-shell-extension-flypie                   gnome-tweaks
gnome-console                                  gnome-mousetrap                                gnome-shell-extension-freon                    gnome-usage
gnome-contacts                                 gnome-mpv                                      gnome-shell-extension-gamemode                 gnome-user-docs
gnome-control-center                           gnome-multi-writer                             gnome-shell-extension-gpaste                   gnome-user-share
gnome-control-center-data                      gnome-music                                    gnome-shell-extension-gsconnect                gnome-video-arcade
gnome-control-center-dev                       gnome-nds-thumbnailer                          gnome-shell-extension-gsconnect-browsers       gnome-video-effects
gnome-core                                     gnome-nettool                                  gnome-shell-extension-hamster                  gnome-video-effects-dev
gnome-desktop                                  gnome-network-displays                         gnome-shell-extension-hard-disk-led            gnome-video-effects-frei0r
gnome-desktop3-data                            gnome-nibbles                                  gnome-shell-extension-hide-activities          gnome-weather
gnome-desktop-3-tests                          gnome-noble-icon-theme                         gnome-shell-extension-impatience               gnome-wine-icon-theme
gnome-desktop-testing                          gnome-online-accounts                          gnome-shell-extension-kimpanel                 gnome-wise-icon-theme
gnome-devel                                    gnome-packagekit                               gnome-shell-extension-manager                
gnome-devel-docs                               gnome-packagekit-common                        gnome-shell-extension-no-annoyance           
gnomediaicons                                  gnome-package-updater                          gnome-shell-extension-panel-osd
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Desktop environments usually consist of windows, toolbars, icons, menus, wallpapers and widgets at a basic level, but may also include items such as a file manager, collections of graphical themes, and sundry other applications.

I guess you're familiar with the major desktop environments: K Desktop Environment (KDE), and GNOME, Xfce, LXDE, LXQT.

Toolkits are used to create the widgets which proliferate in desktop environments, e.g. Qt and GTK+. Early ones were Motif, Tk, FLTK.

Fortunately, with open source software, the source code for all of the items typically included in a desktop environment is freely available. Any interested individual can inspect the code and get a very precise idea of how it's all constructed and put together. Free and open source code can be used by anyone in accordance with the free and open source licences like the GPL, MIT or Apache licences. The repositories of code are often in github or gitlab, or easy to search for online.

Here's a sample of some of what GNOME provides in its desktop environment:
gnome                                          gnome-dictionary                               gnome-paint                                    gnome-shell-extension-prefs
gnome-2048                                     gnome-disk-utility                             gnome-panel                                    gnome-shell-extension-runcat
gnome-accessibility-themes                     gnome-dust-icon-theme                          gnome-panel-control                            gnome-shell-extensions
gnome-activity-journal                         gnome-dvb-client                               gnome-panel-data                               gnome-shell-extensions-extra
gnome-api-docs                                 gnome-dvb-daemon                               gnome-pass-search-provider                     gnome-shell-extension-shortcuts
gnome-applets                                  gnome-epub-thumbnailer                         gnome-passwordsafe                             gnome-shell-extension-system-monitor
gnome-applets-data                             gnome-extra-icons                              gnome-pie                                      gnome-shell-extension-tiling-assistant
gnome-audio                                    gnome-feeds                                    gnome-pkg-tools                                gnome-shell-extension-vertical-overview
gnome-autoar                                   gnome-firmware                                 gnome-platform-devel                           gnome-shell-extension-weather
gnome-backgrounds                              gnome-flashback                                gnome-power-manager                            gnome-shell-mailnag
gnome-bluetooth                                gnome-flashback-common                         gnome-remote-desktop                           gnome-shell-pomodoro
gnome-bluetooth3                               gnome-font-viewer                              gnome-robots                                   gnome-shell-pomodoro-data
gnome-bluetooth-3-common                       gnome-games                                    gnome-screensaver                              gnome-software
gnome-bluetooth-common                         gnome-genius                                   gnome-screensaver-flags                        gnome-software-common
gnome-bluetooth-sendto                         gnome-gmail                                    gnome-screenshot                               gnome-software-dev
gnome-boxes                                    gnome-human-icon-theme                         gnome-session                                  gnome-software-doc
gnome-brave-icon-theme                         gnome-hwp-support                              gnome-session-bin                              gnome-software-plugin-flatpak
gnome-breakout                                 gnome-icon-theme                               gnome-session-canberra                         gnome-software-plugin-snap
gnome-browser-connector                        gnome-icon-theme-gartoon                       gnome-session-common                           gnome-sound-recorder
gnome-builder                                  gnome-icon-theme-nuovo                         gnome-session-flashback                        gnome-split
gnome-calculator                               gnome-icon-theme-suede                         gnome-settings-daemon                          gnome-subtitles
gnome-calendar                                 gnome-icon-theme-yasis                         gnome-settings-daemon-common                   gnome-sudoku
gnome-calls                                    gnome-illustrious-icon-theme                   gnome-settings-daemon-dev                      gnome-sushi
gnome-calls-doc                                gnome-initial-setup                            gnome-shell                                    gnome-system-monitor
gnome-cards-data                               gnome-keyring                                  gnome-shell-common                             gnome-system-tools
gnome-characters                               gnome-keyring-pkcs11                           gnome-shell-extension-appindicator             gnome-taquin
gnome-chemistry-utils                          gnome-keysign                                  gnome-shell-extension-arc-menu                 gnome-terminal
gnome-chess                                    gnomekiss                                      gnome-shell-extension-autohidetopbar           gnome-terminal-data
gnome-clocks                                   gnome-klotski                                  gnome-shell-extension-bluetooth-quick-connect  gnome-tetravex
gnome-color-manager                            gnome-logs                                     gnome-shell-extension-caffeine                 gnome-text-editor
gnome-colors                                   gnome-mahjongg                                 gnome-shell-extension-dashtodock               gnome-theme-gilouche
gnome-colors-common                            gnome-maps                                     gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-panel            gnome-themes-extra
gnome-commander                                gnome-mastermind                               gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons-ng         gnome-themes-extra-data
gnome-commander-data                           gnome-menus                                    gnome-shell-extension-easyscreencast           gnome-themes-standard
gnome-common                                   gnome-mime-data                                gnome-shell-extension-espresso                 gnome-todo
gnome-connections                              gnome-mines                                    gnome-shell-extension-flypie                   gnome-tweaks
gnome-console                                  gnome-mousetrap                                gnome-shell-extension-freon                    gnome-usage
gnome-contacts                                 gnome-mpv                                      gnome-shell-extension-gamemode                 gnome-user-docs
gnome-control-center                           gnome-multi-writer                             gnome-shell-extension-gpaste                   gnome-user-share
gnome-control-center-data                      gnome-music                                    gnome-shell-extension-gsconnect                gnome-video-arcade
gnome-control-center-dev                       gnome-nds-thumbnailer                          gnome-shell-extension-gsconnect-browsers       gnome-video-effects
gnome-core                                     gnome-nettool                                  gnome-shell-extension-hamster                  gnome-video-effects-dev
gnome-desktop                                  gnome-network-displays                         gnome-shell-extension-hard-disk-led            gnome-video-effects-frei0r
gnome-desktop3-data                            gnome-nibbles                                  gnome-shell-extension-hide-activities          gnome-weather
gnome-desktop-3-tests                          gnome-noble-icon-theme                         gnome-shell-extension-impatience               gnome-wine-icon-theme
gnome-desktop-testing                          gnome-online-accounts                          gnome-shell-extension-kimpanel                 gnome-wise-icon-theme
gnome-devel                                    gnome-packagekit                               gnome-shell-extension-manager                
gnome-devel-docs                               gnome-packagekit-common                        gnome-shell-extension-no-annoyance           
gnomediaicons                                  gnome-package-updater                          gnome-shell-extension-panel-osd
tahts waht i was looking for a simple easy to understand awnser thanks a lot
First of all you will need an in depth knowledge of Linux and how it works.
I suggest you start here. It may be simplistic but is a good building block.
and if you can get your hands on this book it would be well worth it.
and maybe this one.
Um. I think that title is a wee bit, shall we say.....misleading?

A Desktop Manager is what organises all the various settings for different aspects of your DE (Desktop Environment) into one place. In Puppy's case, this is occasionally XFCE (which has its own settings manager).....but more often than not, it's the classic ROX-filer + 'pinboard' / JWM combo.

One of our senior community members has been building an integrated 'manager' for JWM for some years, occasionally updating it as he adds more features into it. Hell, I even built my own desktop manager for JWM a few years back - with a very fancy YAD-based GUI - because his lacked some features that I wanted available for my own use. In each case, we're both simply using a GUI to call standard, basic features that have existed in Puppy since, like, forever.

That's easy to do.

Building the entire Desktop Environment from the ground up, though..? That would require a fairly good grasp of not only how Linux in general handles and integrates this stuff, but also a pretty good command of at least a couple of programming languages.....

I wouldn't recommend this kind of thing to someone who's hardly ever used Linux. It's not "rocket science", no.....but you do need to know what you're doing. It's certainly "do-able"; I mean, other humans coded & created the existing ones, so why shouldn't you? - but you may well need to take a number of other steps first, before you approach their level of expertise. And most of these things are built by teams of individuals, all working together, each contributing some small part of the whole. Building the entire thing by yourself will be quite a mammoth undertaking...

Mike. o_O
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I’d suggest taking a look at the source code for some existing desktop environments, to understand how things are put together.

The source code for Gnome and KDE is pretty massive, so may be a lot to take in. But there are smaller environments. For example, the source code for dwm (a minimalist tiling window manager) is under 3000 lines of C code, most of which is in a single file.

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