Hi everyone! Hope you're all having a nice life!
While checking my feed, bumped into this post https://bits.debian.org/2021/08/debianuserforums.html
An excerpt:
While checking my feed, bumped into this post https://bits.debian.org/2021/08/debianuserforums.html
An excerpt:
Many (New!) features and extensions have been added to the forum for ease of use and modernization, such as a user thanks system and thread hover previews.
Responsiveness to users on the forums has increased.
Email addresses for mods/admins have been updated and checked for validity, it has seen direct use and response.
The guidelines for forum use by users and staff have been updated.
The Debian COC has been made into a Global Announcement as an accompanyist to the newly updated guidelines to give the moderators/administrators an additional rule-set for unruly or unbecoming behavior.