any good new(ish) books on Linux Administration for beginners?


New Member
Jun 10, 2017
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Hi All,

I've been using a variety of Linux distros as my home desktop for years, but never really got under the hood. Can any of you recommend any good new(ish) books on Linux Administration for beginners? When I say beginners I don't mean to imply that I'm afraid of the command line and my google foo seems OK, but that I have no experience administering any computer systems so I'm perfectly willing to read material that would bore all but the newest newbie to gain better understanding. I will admit that I find most man pages daunting and I think that's because I don't have an understanding of the underlying system.

Hi @John_J, and welcome! I'm not familiar with the book you listed, and I don't really have anything in particular to recommend. This is so much out on the web, much of it for free, but I know you and Google have already begun that journey. Reading man pages is pretty dry stuff to be sure, but so is a lot of books, ebooks, and YouTube videos that you might find. Just keep up the search, absorb what you can, and have fun. There are lots of folks on here willing to help with particular problems as you need it, or it may be you who find yourself helping others.


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