An idea on how to investigate the UFO phenomena, some help would be appreciated


New Member
Jun 29, 2021
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I wanted to share an idea with you, which may be of interest to UFO enthusiasts like me.

I suppose that most of you are aware of the report that was published a few days ago in the US on the subject. But you may not be aware that there are numerous people and some institutions that, thanks to recent revelations and leaks, are interested in investigating the issue seriously, transparently and seeing it as a global problem.

For some time I have been thinking of a system that allows citizens, academics and others to research the subject. The expertise and work of many can be used to elucidate the origin of these unidentified objects or phenomena. It would be incredible and historical if one of the most important mysteries in the world is solved by all its inhabitants.

A relatively simple application or web page might be enough to get started, but a much more complex ecosystem of technology and research solutions is needed to achieve concrete results. There are many technologies and experts that can be brought into a project like this (AI for photo / video analysis and pattern / anomaly detection, remote sensors and cameras, to name a few).

I believe that the Linux community, with its expertise, track record, and reputation, can greatly help create a trusted investigative ecosystem. Taking advantage of the interest that there is today and with an initiative like this, I hope that the UFO topic will begin to be taken more seriously, and not as something temporary and uncomfortable that is heard from time to time on the news.

I am an old Linux user new to the forum, I think this is the right place for this post. I apologize if it is not.

Maybe someone is interested in the topic, or at least could help me find someone or another forum/community that might be interested in helping with something like this.

(Comment translated with Google.)
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Here I share better my idea:

The main objective of the project is the creation of an open and safe ecosystem, which has the necessary tools and technologies to facilitate the collection of historical and new evidence of the UFO phenomenon, and its analysis.

Secondary Objectives:

1.- Easy and attractive system that encourages people to report or investigate historical/public cases, or cases from themselves or their relatives.

2.- Facilitate the visualization and analysis of the data, the connection to this data, the publication of results and review of the results.

3.- Promote the incorporation of experts, academics and students to the development of the project, to the improvement of the investigative tools or to the investigation of the most relevant cases.

4.- Promote respect, the exchange of ideas, transparency and the global character of the community.

5.- That all hypotheses be considered true until the opposite is proven.
(With the UFO subject, each group believes that their hypothesis is correct and this usually leads to quarrels. "When I stop thinking in impossibles, everything becomes possible ...")

6.- All evidence must be considered relevant and not be discarded.
(A video that turns out to be birthday balloons can help better train an AI)

6.- Allow the continuous improvement of the ecosystem, incorporating new technologies or functionalities. (SW and HW)

7.- Focusing on reducing the investigative tasks done by people and prioritizing the automation of the investigations.

8.- Qualify the cases according to the quality of the evidence and the research carried out. (Give them a Note, Percentage, Points or other)

9.- Promote the development of scientific standards in the investigative procedures.
(Ex: Prevent open investigations from exposing a lot of information, since it can generate false witnesses with extensive knowledge of the case. Also peer review, etc.)

10.- Promote and facilitate the incorporation of new researchers and their education.

These are the main points I have come to after thinking about it a lot. I could have focused on telling you the ideas I have had for an application, website, IoT devices and many other ideas. But I think the main thing is not the solution, but to bring together people who want to create a community in this.

Hopefully you find it interesting or can guide me a bit.

: D

(Comment translated with Google.)
I'm not really sure what you can get out of such a post, but maybe someone is motivated to help. :)
G'day elGuille, and Welcome to

Not my field of interest, but an interesting topic all the same.
Condobloke, thanks for the welcome!

Any support for my idea is appreciated, any messages that incite the curiosity of others are great.

Originally I had thought to publish this post in a community of some low-code platform. Lastly, if I don't have support, I was thinking of taking it as a hobby and developing a website and application myself. (Great if I can learn something new. I have some background in IT but not that much).

But in the end, I thought about asking the Linux community first. If there is someone who can support such a citizen science project, it is you.

BTW: I deleted the post from my original message in Spanish so as not to overfill the post. I also thought about eliminating the message with the general and specific objective of the project, but perhaps that message will invite someone to investigate the different and unknown.
The topic is rightly posted in the off-topic area....and as such may or may not be read by the majority of the members here.

The main topic of interest here is of course Linux.

Good luck in your endeavours.
