red hat 7.6

  1. A

    Process Details

    Hi Guys, is there any way in Linux(RedHat), we can get the details of the stopped process like which user terminated the process/Reason of termination/ time, and date of termination, etc. Please help me with this. Thanks in advance!
  2. C

    SSH with it prompting User/Pass instead of having to specify user in command

    Hi All, I'm playing around with Red Hat Enterprise 7.6. Basically if I need to log into a router, I would have to ssh username@router, (other ways is using the -l flag, or the -o flag). My question is, can I type in to where it does a User/Pass prompt? I tested this with Telnet and that's what...
  3. Rob

    Red Hat 7.6 Released

    From Red Hat: "Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) minor releases are an aggregation of individual security, enhancement, and bug fix errata. The Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6 Release Notes document describes the major changes made to the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 operating system and its...