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  1. BoodyWin

    TigerVNC server not found at apt

    Well, I'm using a virtual machine for using Linux, but unfortunately, I tried to install tigervncserver (for gui apps) on the Linux distro (Ubuntu 22.04) but it wasn't found at apt, i tried to use apt-get, getting it from sourceforge but nothing changes. Here's the output when i tried to install...
  2. BoodyWin

    Post here anything you want...

    Just if you want to share a meme, an idea, or anything else, fell free to write here bro/sis.
  3. BoodyWin

    Some memes needed to be shared here about linux....

    that's elementary.
  4. BoodyWin

    Some ideas for my os to add in

    Well, few days ago after making this linux account, i was made a thread about a LFS (Linux from scratch) project here : But i saw that no one replied, and tried to remove it but without something, so i made a new thread - this one that you read...
  5. BoodyWin

    Put here the used linux distro and why you are using it.

    Well, as myself im using Ubuntu desktop and server versions for my testing and development apps like python as an example of them...
  6. BoodyWin

    Put here your "cursed" images....

    Really VSCode?
  7. BoodyWin

    A LFS project

    Well, I'm working on a LFS(Linux From Scratch) project for making a new unix operating system , I've started with the simple commands - copy, move, delete, rename and all these stuff - first, so that will make it easier to make the os (In addition, I'm making these apps mainly using Python) ...