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  1. G

    No connection even though the network app shows my computer IS connected.

    Here is the output: glnman@glnman-desktop:~$ nmcli con show 900d9fc6-6e88-4c91-a4fe-e67f7f9fa44b Auto Verizon_C7FH9P connection.uuid: 900d9fc6-6e88-4c91-a4fe-e67f7f9fa44b connection.stable-id: -- connection.type: 802-11-wireless connection.interface-name: wlxb07fb94f7458...
  2. G

    No connection even though the network app shows my computer IS connected.

    Here is the output for resolvectl: glnman@glnman-desktop:~$ resolvectl Global Protocols: -LLMNR -mDNS -DNSOverTLS DNSSEC=no/unsupported resolv.conf mode: stub Link 2 (enp3s0) Current Scopes: none Protocols: -DefaultRoute +LLMNR -mDNS -DNSOverTLS DNSSEC=no/unsupported Link 3...
  3. G

    No connection even though the network app shows my computer IS connected.

    Well, Everything works fine in Win10 (dual boot). It was only when I upgraded from Mint 21.1 to 21.2 that I had all this trouble. I'll have to get back to you about the resolvect1 results as that machine is off right now. No firewall on the router.
  4. G

    No connection even though the network app shows my computer IS connected.

    I was able to copy the ifconfig output from the Linux machine to my Win10 machine so here is the output from that: <indexing> <paragraph index="9" node_type="writer">glnman@glnman-desktop:~$ ifconfig</paragraph> <paragraph index="10" node_type="writer">enp3s0...
  5. G

    No connection even though the network app shows my computer IS connected.

    Thanks so much, I'll try all the things you suggest and get back to you in a few days.
  6. G

    No connection even though the network app shows my computer IS connected.

    The only thing it listed was 23 lines of different services - no IP or DNS. But, I did find an IP elsewhere of What else can I do?
  7. G

    No connection even though the network app shows my computer IS connected.

    it says 62 packets sent 62 received. Also, My gateway is in a far bedroom and I may not have enough cable to reach it. I prefer a wired connection but that's why it's now wireless.
  8. G

    No connection even though the network app shows my computer IS connected.

    Below all the zero's it lists an address of inet net mask broadcast
  9. G

    No connection even though the network app shows my computer IS connected.

    The result of ifconfig is every output line shows -0-. So now what to do?
  10. G

    No connection even though the network app shows my computer IS connected.

    OK, the ping says "" not known 12 lines of systemd are as follows: 10.147s gpu-manager.service 9.939s networkmanager-wait-online.service 9.779s plymouth-quit-wait.service 1.923s systemd-udev-settle.service 650ms systemd-random-seed.service 628ms dev-sda6.device 479ms ufw.service...
  11. G

    No connection even though the network app shows my computer IS connected.

    I freshly installed Mint 21.2 yesterday and all was well. Today, I booted into Mint only to find that it takes several minutes to load after I log in, and even though the network shows me wifi connected, I can't connect with anything - Firefox, software manager, or anything else. How do I fix...