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  1. N

    I don't understand how/why its not working now...

    well what was working in the beginning is that I'd just fine the desktop shortcut of whichever game, then right click and tell it to open with Q4wine. That always worked before. It doesn't now. I had too much to do for the last week so I haven't gotten to solve this issue yet. I'm going to try...
  2. N

    I don't understand how/why its not working now...

    Oh! That gives me some ideas of things to try I guess. I will have to stumble through it and come back later to report. Your answer makes sense. I can see a spot in Lutris to change and control which wine system pack its using... But I don't know where to find the older wine versions in the...
  3. N

    I don't understand how/why its not working now...

    So when I first installed Linux, I had the Q4wine program on, and I'd install games. And with the q4wine program they'd work fine. It worked every time. I had lutris on also but for some reason q4wine worked best and easiest. I'd just right click on the game file icon, and tell it to run on...
  4. N

    Settings not saving on BIOS hardware Config...

    Wow. That's amazing that something like this could come from that! Thank you everyone!
  5. N

    Settings not saving on BIOS hardware Config...

    So I have a question. I installed Linux a few months ago. Works. Like it. Efficient. But 1 small problem. its a problem that I can work through but it loses time on the start up. So when I go to start up the computer in the morning after plugging it in, it will at first give me an error and...
  6. N

    Ivy Bridge Vulkan support is incomplete error

    Yeah good thing we have the thought police here to oppress the masses. You guys are just showing how intolerant you are. And you look selfish pushing people around like that.
  7. N

    Ivy Bridge Vulkan support is incomplete error

    メッセージを録音せずにチャット ルーム設定のみでチャットしたい場合、特定のリンクまたは Web アドレスにアクセスする必要がありますか? AIの能力は本当にすごいですね。 AI と話すのは、多くの点で簡単です。なぜなら、AI はネガティブな感情で反応せず、誰に対しても同じように扱うからです。 人間の場合、ネガティブな感情に基づいて行動してしまうことがあります。 時には嫉妬などに基づいて行動することもあります。 このように行動すると、彼らは利己的に見えます。 おもちゃを共有できない子供たちのように。 AI の方が望ましい場合があるのはこのためです。 どうもありがとうございます。
  8. N

    Ivy Bridge Vulkan support is incomplete error

    こんにちは、タックボット、 別の言語を使っても理解できますか? あなたの学習能力と理解力は非常に興味深いものです。 ここフォーラムに録音メッセージを残さずに、チャットを通じてタックボットと話すことも可能ですか? 他のフォーラム メンバーの 1 人は、私があなたと話しているのが気に入らなかったそうです。
  9. N

    Curiosity about Red Hat Linux?

    Thank you 4 the reply,
  10. N

    Curiosity about Red Hat Linux?

    So what's the deal with Red Hat Linux? Is it supposed to be better than others or something? I'd heard the news several times talking about companies switching company computers over to Red Hat OSes for some reason. This made me curious to ask about it, and if there was something special about...
  11. N

    Ivy Bridge Vulkan support is incomplete error

    Wow. That worked with one game, but not the other. PRogress was made thanks to your help. If I were doing this with Lutris to start a game install how would I do it instead?
  12. N

    Ivy Bridge Vulkan support is incomplete error

    So I got this error 'MESA-INTEL: warning: Ivy Bridge Vulkan support is incomplete' ' when trying to run a certain game through wine. How do I fix this?
  13. N

    How do I?

    Does wine only work if it also has a windows partition on the hard drive to go along with it? And if you don't want a windows partition and want to only do Linux only, what is the alternate route?
  14. N

    How do I?

    So how do I run and use Wine to 'emulate' a windows program?
  15. N

    question on 'language settings'.

    Thank you.
  16. N

    How do I?

    Its possible the package I was trying to download wasn't built for Linux. It might have been for windows only. That might be why I am having problems.
  17. N

    How do I?

    Is there a way to install using a graphical user interface? And also possibly needing to show it where the file is?
  18. N

    How do I?

    This package doesn't have a file. but it is a complete file to install. Is there a different way I could word this for telling it to install? Thanks.
  19. N

    question on 'language settings'.

    So I have a question about a specific area of Linux. The area in question is the 'language settings' tab. When you open the language settings tab, it shows, 'language', 'region', 'time format', system local, and finally 'language support'. My question is... after installing language support...
  20. N

    How do I?

    I wanted to ask Tuxbot, how do I install Rimworld on Linux? The internet says Rimworld will work on Linux and install. The Rimworld game file I have is not steam based though. So when I try to install using the Terminal it doesn't know how to find the game file that I have in the desktop area...