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  1. treeshateorcs

    I need the name for an app, but don't know the app LMAO (im a noob)

    what you need is an IDE (integrated development environment) out of the free ones in my opinion Qt Creator works best for C/C++ either that, or you just open two terminal windows
  2. treeshateorcs

    Neofetch seems to have come to an end unless someone forks it

    dylan has taken a break from all of his projects it seems
  3. treeshateorcs

    Post a screenshot of your Desktop

    i sold my m1 macbook and couldn't be happier with the new laptop
  4. treeshateorcs

    Cannot set fractional scale

    Couldn't it be a problem with X11? Have you tried running Wayland?
  5. treeshateorcs

    help me troubleshoot xss-lock

    apparently it's steam's fault. steam inhibits the screen locker
  6. treeshateorcs

    help me troubleshoot xss-lock

    okay, so my problem is that my screen locker is never activated. this is the only reason why i use sway (a wayland reimplementation of the i3 xorg window manager), and not i3 i have these two relevant lines in my ~/.config/i3/config exec_always --no-startup-id xset s 120 5 exec_always...
  7. treeshateorcs

    Best way to play windows games on Linux?

    some games like cyberpunk 2077 and doom eternal run better (read higher fps) on linux through proton than natively on windows
  8. treeshateorcs

    Wallpaper changer - Favorite links (image repositories)?

    look up apod (astronomy picture of the day) from nasa, that's what i use
  9. treeshateorcs

    What was your first Linux distribution and version of that distribution?

    backtrack 2 (former kali linux), back in 2007
  10. treeshateorcs

    My Last Silly Question...For November Anyway

    i've used it for OCR
  11. treeshateorcs

    My Last Silly Question...For November Anyway

    no, i wrote it myself, i picked ideas from here and there and the result is this script do what?
  12. treeshateorcs

    My Last Silly Question...For November Anyway

    honestly, i have no idea what i'm doing. i'm no bash programmer. but it works
  13. treeshateorcs

    My Last Silly Question...For November Anyway

    here's my little script that works well with the i3 wm #!/usr/bin/env bash langs=(eng ara chi_sim chi_tra deu ell fin heb hun jpn kor nld rus tur) lang=$(printf '%s\n' "${langs[@]}" | dmenu "$@") maim -us | tesseract --dpi 145 -l eng+${lang} - - | xsel -bi #grim -g "$(slurp)" - | tesseract...
  14. treeshateorcs

    Do You Encrypt Your DNS ?

    instead of entering these two commands, one will suffice
  15. treeshateorcs

    Today's article has you making (taking?) a website screenshot from the terminal...

    you can use firefox for this, and even chrome (iirc) has a command line switch to achieve this
  16. treeshateorcs

    Meme Distros

  17. treeshateorcs

    Which Distro Suits Me Best (on an iMac)

    only for the m1/m2 based macs, not intel
  18. treeshateorcs

    Where to find package?

    i don't know how it's done in debian, but if you know the path of a file and you need to know what package it belongs to, it's very easy do pacman -Fy to update the database and then pacman -F /usr/bin/{binary} and it will tell you the package it can be any file