Low disk space on “Filesystem root” 0 bytes disk remaining


New Member
Jun 2, 2020
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Same issues as others have had with the low disk space error in Linux. I'm using Ubuntu on virtual box. I have only been using Linux for a few months now, first on a raspberry pi and for the last month on virtual box, so I'm a pretty big noob. It looks like my sda5 partition is what's causing the issue.

I would appreciate if someone could help me with this issue



Looks like root has run out of space - 8.9GB of 9.3GB. Root here looks like it includes /home, /var, /root, /boot, /bin, /sbin, /usr - everything but /dev and/run. Is this after a recent update? Are there any files you can clear in /home/(users)? Since this is under VirtualBox, you should be able to add a new disk and assign that to /home, and if needed do the same to /var. MY experience is 9GB is pretty small for a modern Linux machine under VBox - I've always made the start at 20GB to be sure. But I also tend to break my virtual OS' into small servers that do only a couple of things (NMBD and Bind OR SMB OR Postgres OR …)

Without seeing the list of files in /home and /var or /root, I would recommend you create a new drive in the VBox settings for this client, a 10 GB slice, attach it in VBox and assign that to home via fstab. If there were a ton of files in /home/ move those to the new /home.
Thanks for your response. When I made the machine I thought I allocated some 25GB to it. I have been trying to do as you said and add a new disk, but I'm unsure how to mount it to home.

Here are my disks:


The disk I created is here:


Here is my fstab file. I am unsure how to assign it to home as you said. I spent the last hour trying to google it but to no avail.

UUID=ce8283ac-2558-444c-bbfb-bf8ced4a69e9    /home    ext4    errors=remount-ro    0    1

Add this line to /etc/fstab. You will need to change the UUID to that of your new disk (and, if appropriate, change ext4 to the appropriate file system type).

DISCLAIMER: I have not tried this method. If you want to be absolutely safe, clone your virtual machine before trying this.
My machine won't fire up after that... WHY WOULD YOU TELL ME TO DO THAT?!?! r/s

I have several snapshots I can snap back to and in reality, nothing important is on this machine I am just using it to learn Linux. I might just need to create a new machine and start from scratch, it seems to be the best way to learn. I followed an online guide and if I remember correctly I created 3 partitions - sda1/2/3 and one was made into a swap file. I'm not sure how sda5 was created and used as the root partition.

anyways thanks for the help and I'll keep grinding away at it
One way I've seen people make sure it was clearly sarcasm was <sarcasm> Text </sarcasm> - more work but a little clearer. :)

Haha sorry "r/s" means it was sarcastic. Its a reddit thing that I thought was turning into an internet thing. My apologies.

thanks for the link

It may be - there are lots of us that are slow on pickup from other places. I figured you meant that but wasn't sure.

Another one that people don't always catch (took me awhile to decipher): tldr; {too long didn't read}. Looks like html also!
Best way to tell what people mean: do a web search i.e. "what does tl;dr stand for"
Let's speak with a common language rather than some slang that tries to make you sound "733t" or whatever else was cool 2 decades ago.

First of all snaps do not play well with others. 25GB would normally be a good size, but if there is a lot being written to logs, that will eat up / in a heart beat. Also, without a separate /home AND using snaps, that would be another source of grief. Unless the OP is absolutely in love with snaps, the best thing is to uninstall snapd, kill all the current snap-installed apps and just go with standard apps, then set up a separate /home.

I have about 8GB in / and have for a long time. No snaps, and a fair amount of stuff in /home. A very stable setup.
df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev            7.8G     0  7.8G   0% /dev
tmpfs           1.6G  1.5M  1.6G   1% /run
/dev/sdb2        95G  7.8G   83G   9% /
tmpfs           7.8G   64M  7.8G   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs           5.0M  4.0K  5.0M   1% /run/lock
tmpfs           7.8G     0  7.8G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sda1       458G  150G  285G  35% /home
/dev/sdb1        93M  7.3M   86M   8% /boot/efi
tmpfs           1.6G     0  1.6G   0% /run/user/119
tmpfs           1.6G   20K  1.6G   1% /run/user/1000

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