Google, Smart Homes and Linux?


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Feb 25, 2020
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I recently started a foray into the world of smart homes. I can say that at this time I am a big fan of google for purposes of integration. Still, there is the appletv and an in wall light switch that google can"t control. I also have an old PVR with some killer films on it - it occurs to me that I should probably elaborate. I would like access to copies of films that I recorded when I had cable: eg. Un Chien Andelou, All the old Star Trek episodes, lots of Dr. Who, Incubus, Breakfast Before Dinner, THE Casino Royal (with David Niven), and many more. The long way around, but here is my question. Am I going to be able to do all of that within the Linux framework, or am I going to have to figure out IFTTT as well? *** I like the idea of "Harry Pottering" around the house.***
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I have to apologise for my occasionally faulty memory, I meant the film "Ghosts before Breakfast" not Breakfast before Dinner. It is a 1927 experimental film - basically, just sort of "see what we can do with the medium" type thing. Fortunately, currently, neither Google nor YouTube suffer from the same frailties that I do, so both "Ghosts..." and Incubus (the only film spoken entirely in the made-up language of "Esperanto") are there. Casino Royal on the other hand, I have actually purchased twice already, but they have disappeared into "some other user name" heaven.
So can you still use the PVR to show them on your TV?
So can you still use the PVR to show them on your TV?
As it is the PVR only works when connected to a cable network. That is why I think Linux/LAN might be the answer for that problem.

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