Disk is not mounted after OS install?



I got physical dedicated server from one reputable server provider. And using their OS image install system i applied debian 6.x 64. Server has 2 SSD and one SATA. I setup software raid 1 during installation on SSDs but i dont see anything that looks like my HDD setup..

I mean server should contain:
#Onboard: Corsair CSSD-F120GB2
DRIVE1 /dev/sda
#Onboard: Corsair CSSD-F120GB2
DRIVE2 /dev/sdb
#Onboard: SAMSUNG HD753LJ (700gb+)
###DRIVE3 /dev/sdc

But this is df -h:
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/md2 98G 696M 93G 1% /
tmpfs 12G 0 12G 0% /lib/init/rwudev 12G 192K 12G 1% /dev
tmpfs 12G 0 12G 0% /dev/shm
/dev/md1 496M 31M 440M 7% /boot

I have been told that i need to mount 700+GB hdd: "add it to fstab our mount it manually via mount command"

Can you please advice on how to proceed, how to do it properly so its mounted after each start? I thought Debian will setup disks automatically.

the file /etc/fstab is use to define where and how a partition have to be mounted, when you type the comand mount with the option a "mount -a" the command mount all the partition listed in /etc/fstab exept those marked as "noauto" the sintax is:

 <file system>        <dir>        <type>    <options>            <dump> <pass>


# <file system>        <dir>        <type>    <options>            <dump> <pass>
/dev/sda1              /            ext4      defaults,noatime      0      1
/dev/sda2              none          swap      defaults              0      0
/dev/sda3              /home        ext4      defaults,noatime      0      2

if you need more information check this web site:

the file /etc/fstab is use to define where and how a partition have to be mounted, when you type the comand mount with the option a "mount -a" the command mount all the partition listed in /etc/fstab exept those marked as "noauto" the sintax is:

 <file system>        <dir>        <type>    <options>            <dump> <pass>


# <file system>        <dir>        <type>    <options>            <dump> <pass>
/dev/sda1              /            ext4      defaults,noatime      0      1
/dev/sda2              none          swap      defaults              0      0
/dev/sda3              /home        ext4      defaults,noatime      0      2

if you need more information check this web site:

I prefer using UUIDs though, because when hardware is changed, problems may pop up. Especially if you like swapping hardware often (especially hard drives).

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