Is the real world good enough?


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2019
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This really doesn't have a lot to do with Linux directly, but I didn't know where else to put it. It is related audio and video however, so maybe it goes here.

My wife is something of a photographer. She has literally taken tens of thousands of pictures since we have married. Some of them have even been bought by commercial companies. On my windows system, we have a color calibrator. It's a little device you stick on your monitor with a suction cup and it scans the colors of the image on the screen. It compares this with the colors embedded in the image file ( jpeg, gif, png, whatever ) and compares them against a color reference library in the device. She has an expensive Camera, but it does a pretty good job of capturing the exact colors of the images. They are never very far off from what you see with your eyes.

But I have noticed, many of the images she sells to image companies, "enhance" them. Make them brighter, with most contrast.
A lot of magazines you buy in the store do this as well. I recently saw one of my wife's pictures in a magazine article. It was so doctor'ed up that it was barely recognizable except it had her name in the picture credits at the bottom of the article.

I was helping a friend set up a new Mac not long ago, and I noticed colors were more vivid and brighter on the Mac. So put the color calibrator on it, and it said the monitor was way off. As much as 8 percent in some areas. So even though the image looked better on the Mac, it wasn't really true to what you would see with your eyes.

The same goes for audio. I am in a band, so I have some reference audio equipment. I capture sound waves on the original recording and compare it to the way people hear it in a sound stage or auditorium, or in my case, a church. I notice people rarely listen to songs the way they were recorded, they pump up the bass, add a little treble here and there to get the sound just how they like it.

There's nothing really wrong with any of that, but it made me wonder. Is the real world not good enough for us? Do we have to enhance the images we see, and the sounds we hear? This isn't always bad, but can it get to a point where everything has to be enhanced for us to appreciate it? Can we get so used to having salt and pepper and tabasco sauce on all our food, until it doesn't taste good to us unless we over-do it?

My step son has these new VR goggles. The video is amazing in them. The games are pretty cool, I would say almost realistic.. but often it's the color that gives it away. It's too exaggerated. Maybe the game wouldn't look as good or be as fun to play without this exaggeration, and that's my point.

Is the real world too "plain" for us. Are the songs we hear too "bland" for us. Are we getting to the point where everything has to be digitally enhanced in order for us to appreciate it?
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Is the real world too "plain" for us. Are the songs we hear too "bland" for us. Are we getting to the point where everything has to be digitally enhanced in order for us to appreciate it?
I don't know how old you are I'm in my 70s.

Consider the generation of today.

I grew up in a simple time black and white television one telephone in a house that everyone used.

One family automobile that we all who could drive used and if we wanted a automobile we got a job saved our money and bought it etc etc.

Generations of today don't to have the appreciation of the simple world and the simple things of the past.

I drink black coffee but my kids have to have a cup of coffee from Starbucks or some kind of foo foo type of coffee.

It's the same old world what's changed is the ways today's generation looks at stuff and does stuff.

No one seems to be satisfied with anything nowadays.
Perhaps I'm wrong.

Just my opinion. ;)
some kind of foo foo type of coffee

Trying to satisfy everyone is like trying to put a bunch of fleas into a bag.
In a sense that flees jump all over the place and even out of the bag as you attempt put them in.

The point is that it tells a lot about the nature of people or when you have to deal with many of them.

No one seems to be satisfied with anything nowadays.
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Is the real world too "plain" for us. Are the songs we hear too "bland" for us. Are we getting to the point where everything has to be digitally enhanced in order for us to appreciate it?
My mother does online jigsaw puzzles. If I've said it once, I've said it 500 times, "Wow! Somebody photoshopped the crap out of that one!"

It's one thing, in my opinion, to enhance an image due to a camera not capturing things just right. It's a whole other thing when the photo comes out looking like Tammy Faye Baker painted it with her make-up kit.

(Got some youngsters scratching their noggins about that one :D )
I have also been in a few bands as the sound guy for over a decade. Nothing beats a good band in a small venue, but once the space gets to a certain size I lose interest. Sound quality drops and distance to the performers requires binoculars just to make out who is who. That is why many have a huge video screen behind the stage.

Anymore I would rather watch a video at home where my audio equipment sounds great. No driving anywhere and the bathroom is always close. Yay!

Colors and their intensity are essential to a buyer I can tell you that much. Years of painting in oils and acrylics and listening to what my clients and friends had to say confirmed that.

Years of practicing dentistry taught me that most people want their front teeth to be super white and that was satisfying to them. They cared less if their back teeth were pearly white. It was more about esthetics.

Not trying to brag here @dos2unix...... really, I'm not:-
Just trying to give you info to address the want monster that I think resides in all of us.

In a sense that flees jump all over the place and even out of the bag as you attempt put them in.

The point is that it tells a lot about the nature of people or when you have to deal with many of them.

Often times we have something good and we like it. However, as time passes we want more.
It's a balance that many haven't found a way to practice control.
Just my 2cents.
@Alexzee :-

Years of practicing dentistry taught me that most people want their front teeth to be super white and that was satisfying to them. They cared less if their back teeth were pearly white. It was more about esthetics.

As a dentist, I guess you may - or may not! - agree with me. The fad for super-white teeth (mostly promoted by Hollywood, natch) does not, to my way of thinking, look quite "right". Teeth, as they come naturally - OOTB!! :p - are in fact an off-white or slightly darker shade of ivory.....yes?

When I had to have some extensive crown-work done around 20 years ago, I always remember my own dentist being mystified by the fact that I told him I didn't WANT brilliant white crowns. He couldn't understand WHY I didn't want to look like some Hollywood film-star straight off the set.......'cos everybody else DID!!! (He eventually admitted, at the end of several months work, that my own choice of 'normal'-coloured crowns looked ten times better than most of what he sent out the door....)

But then, too much these days is dictated by social media or similar. Now, as ever, folks want to "keep up with the Joneses".......and otherwise just be a "part of the herd". 99% of people just want to be like everybody else.....

I've ALWAYS been that 'square peg'.....y'know?
Hell, I run Puppy Linux exclusively.....whadd'ya expect? :p

Mike. ;)
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@Alexzee :-

As a dentist, I guess you may - or may not! - agree with me. The fad for super-white teeth (mostly promoted by Hollywood, natch) does not, to my way of thinking, look quite "right". Teeth, as they come naturally - OOTB!! :p - are in fact an off-white or slightly darker shade of ivory.....yes?

When I had to have some extensive crown-work done around 20 years ago, I always remember my own dentist being mystified by the fact that I told him I didn't WANT brilliant white crowns. He couldn't understand WHY I didn't want to look like some Hollywood film-star straight off the set.......'cos everybody else DID!!! (He eventually admitted, at the end of several months work, that my own choice of 'normal'-coloured crowns looked ten times better than most of what he sent out the door....)

But then, too much these days is dictated by social media or similar. Now, as ever, folks want to "keep up with the Joneses".......and otherwise just be a "part of the herd". 99% of people just want to be like everybody else.....

I've ALWAYS been that 'square peg'.....y'know?
Hell, I run Puppy Linux exclusively.....whadd'ya expect? :p

Mike. ;)
I do agree with you Mike.
The natural color of teeth isn't super white at all.

Getting those in office bleachings and or veener's is extreamly expensive.
To me, keeping up with the Joneses just isn't worth it when you count the cost.

The Crest Whitening Strips once a year are sufficient, low cost and you can lighten your teeth in the comfort of your own home:-
Marvin - a couple of observations from me, but I will have more, perhaps later.

1. I am really enjoying this Thread.
2. Other than some parts of your OP, there is little to no content of a support nature, and the thread has branched off somewhat tangentially, with the responses provided.
3. I have enjoyed those responses.

Given 2. I would be inclined to move this to Off Topic.

If you have no firm wish otherwise, let me know and I will do so over my weekend, including putting in my two cents,



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