Google's new maneuver against the free internet

This is nothing new...Google off their own bat have been censoring the internet for Aussies for years.

Thats why I use DuckDuckGo.
I also very seldom use Google. I use duckduckgo for searches. And alternative web browsers for just looking around.
Well, I must be the complete opposite of you guys. I've had a Google a/c for well over 20 years; I use Chrome more of the time than I use anything else, although I don't "sync" (I keep the data locally in my 'portable' build of Chrome, which I share between multiple Puppies). I make frequent, and copious use of their infrastructure.......'cos it DOES make life easier.

Google must have a dossier on me alone as thick as a small stack of Bibles by now. Personally, I do NOT care a monkey's, one way or the other. So sue me..!

Along with the 'portable' builds of the major browsers, I do also make builds available of many of the privacy-conscious browsers, for those that want them.....because I'm a big believer in "choice in all things". I'm not totally heartless, and try to help make everyone in our community feel included.


Mike. ;)
Cover your tracks. There will be browsers etc out there thta are much more difficult to track than mine.....Supposedly the various tracking companies will go for the lesser protected ones.

View attachment 17182
I must say that even if they do garner some info from damn boring that would be !
With which gear do you accomplish such results? Give details please
""With which gear do you accomplish such results? Give details please""

Sorry about the blue print....the reply thingie decided not to cooperate

I use brave browser

I pay close attention to the settings

I can give you screenshots of each setting page if you want

The only extensions I use are:
bitwarden password manager
duckduckgo privacy essentials
grammarly grammar checker (I have my boubts about this ones 'privacy"...not sure)
privacy badger

save images as type (saves webimage etc ect to png or jpg etc)
web rtc leah shield

I use Homey: productivity new tab. (it does not require seeing and changing info on any site)
I have its page covered with links to places I use every day)

I used to use firefox. Unless something dramatic happens, I will not use it again.
I have this instinct that it is like a leaky boat

Brave is not perfect. That is impossible for a browser to be ....there will always be something that annoys someone.

I download it from their web page....HERE
Using the terminal commands for the release channel below

Debian, Ubuntu, Mint​

sudo apt install curl

sudo curl -fsSLo /usr/share/keyrings/brave-browser-archive-keyring.gpg

echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/brave-browser-archive-keyring.gpg] stable main"|sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/brave-browser-release.list

sudo apt update

sudo apt install brave-browser

this is quick and also sets it up in such a way that updates come in regularly via Update Manager

Occasionally brave will break a site. Most of the time it will be privacy Badger screwing it up. It does not happen often.

On rare occasions, I will turn privacy badger off. Very rare ocasions.

if I really want to visit the site, I will use Chromium browser (that's Chromium....not chrome)...I download this from the software manager on Linux Mint

As I said, I am quite willing to send you screenshots of individual settings pages.

I dont use the download from the software manager in Linux mint.....I found that it gets it wrong,,,it asks for the system password every time it is opened.....although this doesn't happen on every pc for some weird reason.

Which Linux are you using ?
Thanks for the extensive reply, I use Debian 11, screenshots are not necessary for the moment, when I install Brave I will open a new thread and I may need some help there to configure it
grammarly grammar checker (I have my boubts about this ones 'privacy"...not sure)

Heh... I've been using Grammarly for a while.

But, they're certainly scooping your data. Everything you type is sent to their servers.

Now, I don't think they share that with anyone else but I bet they'd hand it over if an officer of the law requested it. I presume that's not a problem for you and, if so, you'd be smart enough to keep your illegal activity confined to browsers without that extension.

But, yeah, that's how it works. Everything you type is sent to them.
Heh... I've been using Grammarly for a while.

But, they're certainly scooping your data. Everything you type is sent to their servers.

Now, I don't think they share that with anyone else but I bet they'd hand it over if an officer of the law requested it. I presume that's not a problem for you and, if so, you'd be smart enough to keep your illegal activity confined to browsers without that extension.

But, yeah, that's how it works. Everything you type is sent to them.
I just removed grammarly, and replaced it with brave browser's own spell check

It found 3 mistakes in the sentence I just typed above, and the correction was 100% correct

Unlike grammarly and all others which use a left click to access the correction and the 'net at the same time, Brave's offering is a right click to expose the it accesses the dictionaries on my machine....not via the 'net

Further testing is in order, but appears ok so far.
It found 3 mistakes in the sentence I just typed above, and the correction was 100% correct

Does it do more than a simple spell check? I can spell well enough, but I like how Grammarly deals with my grammar and gives me the chance to improve my writing.

If I wanted a greater amount of privacy, I'd certainly not use a browser with Grammarly enabled.

I don't know if they store this data. I'm positive that they don't have someone sitting there reading it, though I suspect they might try various means of mining the data.
It is just a simple spell check....just what I want/need

My writing is quite perfect (lol), so I will gladly give up that add on