Ubuntu 20.04 - Nautilus does not open folders with a double click


New Member
Oct 14, 2023
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Hey there.

For a few weeks now, Nautilus has not been working as it should. When I open the personal folder on the desktop and then want to open other folders, a double click is not enough, I have to press the mouse button three times until the folder is open. Interestingly, when I boot my desktop from the stick, I don't have this problem. I don't have these problems on my laptop (Ubuntu 20.04). ChatGPT could not help me. I have also searched in various forums. The tips are all for 18.04 or earlier versions. In the Settings nor in gnome-tewaks is there a possibility to adjust the mouse in this respect.

Do you have a tip? Thank you very much.

press Alt + F2 then type r then press Enter
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