Trying to find Linux people nearby


New Member
Feb 6, 2024
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Hello. I'm new here. Been using Linux for just about everything the past 20 years but quite casually. I have recently started getting more serious about programming and administration and have been looking for LUGs nearby but all links are kinda dead. Was thinking maybe there's an online one or maybe I could find some people nearby and create one:). Suggestions how to proceed are appreciated.

Best regards

:D...Welcome to
G'day @riwa and welcome to :)

What area of what country do you live in? No need for exact details down to street and house number, lol - just so I can get an idea.

If you do start your own LUG let us know and we can add it to our embryonic list of lugs thread.


Chris Turner
have been looking for LUGs nearby but all links are kinda dead.

We tried adding a central repository for LUGs (see the top bar). It went... Well... It went poorly.

If you do start your own LUG let us know and we can add it to our embryonic list of lugs thread.


Sometimes there's a hole to fill and you're the only one with a shovel - and motivation to fill that hole.

For me? It's a bunch of things, from helping out here to getting my notes online in a form that people can find by searching the 'net (among other things).

There isn't always someone to do it for you and you've got to do it yourself.
6 entries so far is better than none, lol?

I emailed about the same number of LUGs that I could find within my region. Not one person replied.

So, I gave up. It's still there, which means I guess we can be optimistic. While LUGs do exist, they seem to be far fewer than they used to be. I would speculate that COVID (and online resources) killed them.
Thanks for all the replies. I live in Malmö, Sweden. Sad that they all died. Maybe lugs are a thing of the past. Like you say today is the era of online information. Anyway maybe something will come from this.

Have a nice day
I am in the exact same place. There are pages and wikis about a LUG in the NSW Central Coast but it seems to be dead since long ago.

I am thinking in taking steps to build my own non-profit about computer literacy, fixing laptops to give to disadvantaged individuals combined with a LUG or a code club as a retirement plan (I still have plenty of time), but what I have for now is only a lot of doubts.

And probably scope creep XD
I had similar experience with my area - lots of dead links and web sites that hadn't been updated in years. I thought I hit pay dirt when a contact listed for one of the groups turned out to be a former co-worker... but when I reached out to him he said the LUG in question was defunct years ago and he didn't know of any active ones.

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