Today's article is yet another article with yet another familiar theme...


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Jul 23, 2020
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Well, I was rooting through my notes to find an article idea. I couldn't find one that I felt like writing. In my defense, I've written a whole lot of articles.

So, I went looking for stuff to write about. I looked up Python stuff and eventually decided to see if you could monitor filesystem (drive space) usage.

Of course, you can... Because of course...

I found a delightful application and thought I'd write about pip and all that, but no... No, I decided to look and see if it's bundled into a package in my repositories and, sure enough, it was!

So, this is a Lubuntu article but is going to apply to many other distros.

This filesystem checker has colors! Well, not many colors - but it does have colors!

I get the feeling that you're pushing further and further into the obscure. You've been posting these articles for a while now. Are you starting to run out of things to cover?
Are you starting to run out of things to cover?

Not really, no.

However, I am running out of steam and motivation, so I've been trying different things and changing things up a bit.

For a while, I'd have 2 to 5 articles ready to publish. I got lazy and I've been writing articles the day before they get published. This is wearing on my motivation. When I had a bunch of articles written and scheduled for publication, I could take a day or two off and not think about it.

I'm actually working on that. I'm working on getting articles written ahead of time and then giving me the leeway to take a day or two off when I want.

There are infinite things to write about. Not all of those things fit the long-form that I have been writing lately.

For a while, a long while, articles were limited to just 600 to 800 words. I've since changed that. In fact, I've changed quite a bit since the first articles.

What I need to do is get some articles written to give me some space to take a few days off if I want.

There has been a new article every two days for more than 500 articles now.
You sound worn out. Maybe consider taking a break?
You sound worn out. Maybe consider taking a break?

I've thought about that, but probably won't quite do that. My plan is to build up a stash of articles and then I can take a few days off to unwind. I don't really want to ruin my run of publications. I'm sure it'll happen at some point, but I'm not ready for that today.

I don't do 'take time off' very well. In fact, I like to explain it by saying that I suck at retiring. I was quite young when I sold my business and retired. I've been busy ever since with various projects and obligations to other people.

This is actually the month that I take it easy. January is my 'vacation' month. There are a bunch of things that I simply don't do for the month of January. I'm even here online less often, though you probably won't notice that. I still check in to see if there are moderation duties and to reply to comments. I let other threads go, figuring somebody else can handle them.

I've been politely described as 'highly-motivated' and 'dedicated'.

If you want, you can write an article! LOL I get emailed a great deal asking me to publish sponsored articles. I don't really take them up on that, though I might accept a few. That'd even help pay for the CDN and hosting. Though, they often want to post things adult in nature, such as CBD stuff or gambling sites. I will not be publishing anything like that.
Though, they often want to post things adult in nature, such as CBD stuff or gambling sites. I will not be publishing anything like that.
Thank you for that. There is plenty of that drivel all over the internet. All I will say, is that I believe that sort of stuff is a huge part of what's wrong with the world today. I'll leave it go at that and hopefully not get booted.
Thank you for that. There is plenty of that drivel all over the internet. All I will say, is that I believe that sort of stuff is a huge part of what's wrong with the world today. I'll leave it go at that and hopefully not get booted.

Yeah, let's steer clear of politics and sociology. That's for the best.

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