Learning to Walk Again in Ohio?

Sherri is a Cat

Well-Known Member
May 8, 2021
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Today I walked to the grocery store to pick up a few things. I needed to get stuff to clean the C port on my Moto. It wasn't charging. I was using my Samsung for now.

I guess walking in Ohio is somehow different than walking in Texas. Or maybe I forgot how to walk after living 25+ miles from the closest city for 10 years. I wasn't walking very far and I wasn't in a hurry. There was nothing I should have tripped on or over. It doesn't make sense that I fell four times today. Each time, the top of my hands scraped across the pavement.

The second time was a lot worse than the first time. One hand was bleeding pretty badly. My Samsung flew across the street. I keep my phones in antishock cases with tempered glass screen protectors but it wasn't enough. The screen is damaged now, I cant see a thing. I don't like the Samsung anyway. I also know it probably won't be hard to fix. No biggie. I'd move the SIM back to my Moto later.

I stopped in the first shop for bandages. After washing my hand, I asked a guy where I could find bandages. He was stocking items so you would think he would know exactly where they were. He told me they were up front next to the cash registers. That seemed like an odd place, but he knew better than me where they were. I saw the usual things you would expect to see, candy, gum, impulse items, but no bandages.

I asked him again. Now they were at the front corner of the store on the other side of registers. Toys, other impulse stuff. No bandages. The paper towels I had wrapped around my hand was getting soaked in blood.

I gave up on the idiot and asked another customer if they knew where. Of course they were further back in the store. My fellow customers grabbed a box to open for me. I had to wash my hands again before putting six band-aids on my fingers. The store didn't have what I need to clean the port on my Moto. If they did, I wasn't going to bother with idiot again. I paid for the bandages and went on my way.

I fell again. The bandaid on one finger scraped off. Ouch! I had to clean my hand again and apply fresh bandages at my final destination. I got supplies and headed back. I got phone call that I couldn't answer. I'd figure it out later.

When I came back to the second place I tripped , I paid careful attention as I took my my first step. I couldn't believe it. With my first step, I fell again! This time, flaps of skin were hanging from my knuckles. The ring on my finger was smashed too. I couldn't get it off. My hand was swollen and the ring was cutting off circulation to my finger. It hurt! I had to cut my ring with wire cutters when I got back to my room.

Several hours later, my hand is still swollen, the top layer of skin on my knuckles is gone, my knees are scraped up and I no longer have my Baltic amber ring.

I need to work on learning how to walk again or figure out what is so different in Ohio. The vegetation and trees are beautiful here. I plan to be outside a lot to enjoy it.



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are you detecting a balance problem....disoriented in any way?....

Is the sole of the shoe you are wearing loose?

Are you diabetic?....is your blood glucose level dropping ?
On a serious note I am wondering if there is a visual perception issue involved?

On a (kind) comic note - Sherri, start wearing your Linux t-shirt (when you get it) when you go out. It may protect you from harm.

Another thing to look at, is what we call DECK, it is the vitamins that help prevent and heal bruising and promote stronger skin.
D Vitamin D
E Vitamin E
C Vitamin C
K Potasium

I am 55 now and find I need that or I bruise and cut easy...

This information is not just from a Linux computer guy but also a firefighter/medic
Me I am 64 - I take these - a bit pricey but good - Youngevity Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0 Multi-Vitamin & Mineral Complex - Made with Natural & Whole Foods | 160,000 ORAC - ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity - get them from Amazon - if you want to know more about ORAC - https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/what-are-orac-values/

What kind of condition are the sidewalks in where you are walking.

You might consider getting a walking stick, using a walking stick helps me although I'm old.

Be careful and watch where you step.

Take care of them wounds.
If you have an aloe plant you can break a piece off and squish the goo onto your wounds before dressing them with bandages. If there's more goo left you can put that into a baggie and store it in your fridge until tomorrow - when you do the same thing.

I have a giant aloe plant. It was just a tiny thing when I got it.
If you have an aloe plant...

Sherri has just moved from Texas to a friend's in Ohio - she packed the cats but I'll be she didn't pack an aloe plant.

Geez, David, keep up with the program. :p

Hope this finds you getting better, Sherri - those little cuts and lacerations can be the most painful, particularly (I find) with paper cuts, or slipping with the paring knife slicing vegetables.

Uh oh, I feel a song coming on, better vamoose over to Rock Roxx.
Chewing gum at the same time??? :eek::oops: Stop chewing gum!!! :p:D
I cannot -believe- you said that (and I didn't)! I must be getting old growing up. Not really, but I wrecked pretty badly while walking the BDE in January so I'm keeping quiet for a while. :)

No, no... I'm just kidding, like always. I hope you're feeling better!
That, I can believe you said and I second it.
I wrecked pretty badly while walking the BDE in January so I'm keeping quiet for a while. :)
My "reaction" wasn't laughing at your injury... laughing at you joking at me joking! I'll never grow up, but I'm certainly getting old. ;)

I hope you're feeling better too! :)
Sherri has just moved from Texas to a friend's in Ohio - she packed the cats but I'll be she didn't pack an aloe plant.

LOL I'd certainly have moved the plants. I have a lot of plants. I have plants that I've known longer than I've known my wife.

I don't really use them for medicinal reasons. I just like growing plants.
My "reaction" wasn't laughing at your injury... laughing at you joking at me joking! I'll never grow up, but I'm certainly getting old. ;)

I hope you're feeling better too! :)
I had thought it was just a badly sprained ankle and by the time I realized it there was probably a cracked bone, it was pretty much too late to do anything about it. It's almost completely better now... but it's been over three months.

Hmm... there's no regular smiley face in the "reactions" here on the forum... the closest is the rofling one -and- there's no "homer" face in the "smileys", which I sure could have used above. :)
Dang! I didn't realize how busy I've been since I moved!
I guess in all the excitement I forgot that my right ankle has been twisted multiple times and can be a problem. Sometimes it turns for no apparent reason and I fall. It's just a cost of enjoying my life. Being thrown from horses, tripping in potholes while in-line speed skating cross country running. And then there were a few drunken episodes that landed me in the emergency room.,

Without any support, I think my feet were just loose enough in my shoes to cause me to fall. I always keep athletic supports in my shoes to remedy this. I had to buy some shoes after I left Texas and didn't think about getting inserts.
Another thing to look at, is what we call DECK, it is the vitamins that help prevent and heal bruising and promote stronger skin.
D Vitamin D
E Vitamin E
C Vitamin C
K Potasium

I am 55 now and find I need that or I bruise and cut easy...

This information is not just from a Linux computer guy but also a firefighter/medic
I routinely take those as well a few more, especially iron, K2 and calcium. I have a tendency for anemia.

I broke my knee cap a few years ago. When I say I broke it, I mean broke. Broke as in two pieces with a very clear and very large gap between them. I have a titanium plate and nine pins.

The surgeon told me that maybe one day I would be able to bend my knee more 90 dregrees, but I would never be able to sit cross legged, cross my legs, kneel or crawl on my hands and knees. I took my supplements, kept my leg completely straight after figuring out a better way to bandage my knee and sat on my butt for 6 weeks while I gained weight being sedentary. At my first follow up after surgery, I was told I a brace isn't necessary.

As for everything else, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. The floor is too dirty to crawl around on.

If you have an aloe plant you can break a piece off and squish the goo onto your wounds before dressing them with bandages. If there's more goo left you can put that into a baggie and store it in your fridge until tomorrow - when you do the same thing.

I have a giant aloe plant. It was just a tiny thing when I got it.
Aloe is the bomb! A must have in any garden. I don't have any now. I don't think it will grow well in this environment either. In Texas they get huge. We'll see how they do here.
I don't think it will grow well in this environment either.

I live with a tiny growing season. So, mine is an indoor plant. I have a giant sunroom with a bunch of plants and then some plants around the house. Mine is pretty old and maybe about 2.5' tall in the center.

I got it as just a seedling in a tiny pot.

I'm in a microclimate with a plant hardiness zone of 3B. It's a 4 if you get into the valleys.
I was/am a landscape designer. I had a business in Texas before going back to school. There are lots of ways to create microclimates if you know what conditions are needed and a good book to tell you what they are.

I always bought up the Christmas tree lights on clearance. They are great for keeping tropical plants warm enough in lean-to, make shift green houses in a Texas winter freeze.