I've been relegated to this forum due to my lack of a Linux Desktop


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2021
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I've been relegated to this forum because I don't actually run Linux on the desktop. (yeah, I'm THAT guy)

Anyhow, for my entire life I've stuck with just cheap Logitech keyboards. (K100, K120, etc) Normal keyboards. Not the *other styles*

Anyhow, being in tech and knowing lots of other developers and Linux engineers. Everyone swears by mechanical keyboards. (No, I'm not new to them. I grew up using the old PS2 4lbs IBM keyboards) I just never paid to have one.

Anyhow, I recently picked up a Leopold FC750R keyboard. While the size and other aspects of the keyboard are different . I can get used to it, but there is one issue that I'm not sure is even related that has become a massive annoyance. I'm hoping someone may know something about this, but here goes.

Since I've switch to this new keyboard. I've had a massive issue that when I click (yes, with my mouse) on tabs that I have open in the browser. More than 50% of the time, it closes the tab instead of "selects" the tab. This only started happening *AFTER* switching to this keyboard.

Any clues as to what the issue is here? (yeah, sorry. Windows 10)

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Since I've switch to this new keyboard. I've had a massive issue that when I click (yes, with my mouse) on tabs that I have open in the browser. More than 50% of the time, it closes the tab instead of "selects" the tab. This only started happening *AFTER* switching to this keyboard.

Any clues as to what the issue is here? (yeah, sorry. Windows 10)
I have no idea either, but I'm pretty sure that I would blame Windows 10! ;)

As a workaround, you might learn some keyboard shortcuts with your new keyboard. Both Firefox and Microsoft Edge use CTRL+TAB and CTRL+SHIFT+TAB to navigate forward and backward through your open tabs. There are many other useful shortcuts as well. Firefox will allow ALT+4 to select Tab #4 specifically (works on 1-8, and 9 goes to last tab). Edge can do this too, but it uses CTRL instead of ALT.

Here are Firefox keyboard shortcuts and Microsoft Edge keyboard shortcuts.

Good luck!
No idea, you could try switching to the same keyboard I am using because it would be a good match for the OS you are running ;)
Good luck trying to find a solution!
I used one of those once. Long enough to start to get used to it, but switching back and forth to normal keyboards became an annoyance. It was easier to switch back to a normal keyboard than deal with the differences between the difference PCs at home, work, personal and work laptops.
Just to chime in: Microsoft makes (or slaps their name on) REALLY good hardware. I love their keyboards and mice. I have bought extras when I see them on sale, just to have them to hand when needed.

I have no idea why you're having issues (I have zero Windows skills these days), but I really like Microsoft's hardware. I have switched between the ergonomic and standard 105 key so many times it's like my brain has adapted to use either - though it takes about three sentences worth of typing to fully make the switch.

If curious, I type about 80 WPM unless I'm hauling arse. I can get it up around 95 WPM but it gets sloppy at that point and I make more mistakes.
Actually, I was going to post that I think I've resolved my issue, but I was holding off a bit longer until I was sure I was not proved wrong.

Anyhow, I replaced my Logitech mouse with an older one I had in a box. So far, the unintentional closing of tabs seems to have subsided.

I don't consider the issue resolved yet, but it's looking a lot better than it was.
Okay, I mark this issue officially resolved by replacing the mouse. I just found it odd that it exactly coincided with the replacement of the keyboard.
I had something similar happen to me a year ago when I bought a second hand laptop with a second hand mouse. I was clicking and the mouse button didn't seem to respond correctly to clicks and I thought it was a Linux thing and I was searching and searching. After a couple of hours I ended up trying the mouse attached to my desktop and that did work as expected. So they had given me a broken mouse, so that is the last time ever I am buying a second hand mouse.
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Bad driver for the mouse making it screw up with regards to IRQ, maybe? Or, as f33dm3 says, maybe just a bunk mouse. You could always test it in Linux to see if the behavior is still there. :cool:

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