Remove Remote Desktop

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Jeez. What on earth are you doing even using a computer, then? TBH, anyone that paranoid might as well do what @f33dm3bits suggested; unplug your computer from the wall. I'd go further, and suggest you shut down any cloud a/cs you might have, close down your bank accounts, sell your house, give away everything you own to charity, followed by journeying to the closest remote mountain range, withdrawing totally from human society and spending the rest of your days living in a draughty cave as a hermit.....

A horrible way to live, but at least you'll have the full satisfaction of knowing that absolutely no-one will be trying to steal your precious personal data. Hell, no-one will even want to know you, never mind owt else..!

(Nothing like going all-out, is there? I mean, there's "paranoid", and then there's just being stupid...) :p

Whatever "floats your boat", I guess. :rolleyes:

Mike. ;)
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Please. How do I shut down these services:

i'm not sure what master refers to in that context, but some info here on smtp since that is the port or protocol listed for it:

avahi traffic should just be networked devices within your lan or wan like other computers or printers:

and mdns:

systemd-resolved provides dns service so you can type in and your browser can get you to the right website:

NetworkManager deals with most of your regular network setup like getting you an ip address among other things. shut that down and you wouldn't have any network traffic much less remote:
name calling seems unnecessary and unhelpful. not to mention being a sure sign of a rock solid argument.

This. It is also against the rules.

Let's have less of that.

I sometimes think being a blunt, no-nonsense Yorkshireman, used to calling a spade a spade - and who doesn't suffer fools gladly - works to my disadvantage at times. I tend to forget that the kind of banter we take for granted in my part of the world, some folks would indeed find extremely offensive!

I do find it hard to believe that there ARE people in this world who take literally everything they read on-line TOTALLY "to heart", and believe every word of it. Hence of course how cyber-bullying came to be a thing, I guess.

The terms "paranoid" and "stupid", in this context, were not aimed at the OP, per se, but I can see how many of you would read it that way. Aimed more at the general mind-set, if I'm honest; I've come across so many people who WANT to go on-line, but seem to be absolutely s**t-scared about doing so. Why, for God's sakes? Doesn't make sense. It's an attitude I simply can't understand.

I'm totally amazed that we seem to nowadays have an entire generation of delicate little flowers who CANNOT take an ounce of criticism, and must be made to feel good about themselves at every opportunity. (If I'd acted like that when I were a nipper, I'd have been jeered at by my mates, and called a "pansy" and a "big girl's blouse". And I'd've shrugged it off, and given back just as good as I got...!)

The world's gone mad.

(shakes head in perplexity...)

Still, if apologies are wanted I'm more than happy to offer them.

Mike. :confused:
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I do find it hard to believe that there ARE people in this world who take literally everything they read on-line TOTALLY "to heart", and believe every word of it.

They exist, for better or worse.

I do love me some good banter, including some observations about people, but we refrain from that here.

It's for the best, really. It's less drama, which is also why we don't do religion, politics, or things sexual in nature. is first and foremost a tech forum. In fact, for a long time there wasn't any 'off topic' sub-forum and anything off-topic was frowned upon. (That actually predates me.)

But, I do like the lack of drama. It's less of a mess for me to clean up.

Imagine the number of reports I'd have to deal with every day if we included those topics!

(Most of the time I expect people to be self-policing and act when someone hits the report button. I can't possibly read everything on our busier days.)

Well, it's pretty much the same for us over at t'Puppy Forums. Very few reports, our members are a lovely bunch of lads'n'lasses who give us very little trouble. Makes my life pretty simple.....which IS how I prefer it!

Mike. ;)
