QRcode.png for Linux.org


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2019
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Works a treat !

How did you go about making that ?
install qrencode. It's in most distro repos.

qrencode https://www.linux.org -o mycool.png

This will actually work on computers without a Xwindows GUI, but the output will be better with a GUI.

You can even make hidden messages for your wife!

qrencode Tom_Loves_Suzy -o truelove.png

( It doesn't like spaces, it will only return the first word if you use spaces )
I found the cli approach a bit more than I wanted to handle....so I dug around and found QR Code Generator.....AND....it works with spaces

Install QR Code Generator on Linux​

QR Code Generator is available as an AppImage as well as a Snap package on Linux. If you have Snap present on your machine, you can get QR Code Generator on it by running the following command in a terminal:

sudo snap install qr-code-generator-desktop
Alternatively, if you don't have Snap, you can first install it using our Snap guide or download the AppImage for QR Code Generator.

Download: QR Code Generator AppImage <<<<I USED THIS

After this, go to the folder where you've downloaded it and right-click on the AppImage. Select Properties, and on the Properties window, click the Permissions tab.

Finally, check off the box next to Allow executing file as a program if you're using a Nautilus-based file manager. On Dolphin, tick the Is executable option and change the Execute dropdown to Anyone on PCManFM.

Finally, double-tap the AppImage to run it.


(For those of us that are slightly lazier, but it does have many options.)

(There are other such sites, as well.)
There's an even easier way to generate QR codes for web URLs. If you use any of the Chromium-based 'clones', it's now a standard option in the right-click context Menu. Has been for the last 18 months or so.

Captured this in Chrome about 5 minutes ago:-


@Condobloke :-

Thanks for the link to that AppImage, Brian. Works nicely!

Mike. ;)
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A Pleasure, Mike !

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