Hi all thanks for having me


New Member
Apr 20, 2023
Reaction score
Hi guys thought I'd swing by and say hi.

I'm an avid Linux user and gamer with lots of free time on my hands and always eager to learn

Welcome to Linux.org. As you probably know, but just to make sure, we're just a happy forum with a fortunate domain name. We're not actually affiliated with the Linux kernel and are not a part of the Linux Foundation.

That doesn't make it less of a forum, or anything like that. We've got a solid core of regulars who will give you their time and energy to help with your Linux needs. (I'm just a janitor. It's the regulars that make the site what it is.)
Welcome to Linux.org. As you probably know, but just to make sure, we're just a happy forum with a fortunate domain name. We're not actually affiliated with the Linux kernel and are not a part of the Linux Foundation.

That doesn't make it less of a forum, or anything like that. We've got a solid core of regulars who will give you their time and energy to help with your Linux needs. (I'm just a janitor. It's the regulars that make the site what it is.)
Thanks for the warm welcome my friend even though your not affiliated with the Linux Kernel or anything it doesn't mean your input is less valuable sometimes it's forums like this that have the best knowledge base and most friendly and happy users
most friendly and happy users

That sums us up nicely. We skew heavily towards older users. (I'm comparatively young at the ripe old age of 65.) I think that helps. We don't have time to mess around! We also try to keep the forum 'child-friendly' (including our language), which probably helps a lot.
G'day from DownUnder and welcome to linux.org :)

Chris Turner
G'day Yoda, Welcome !
Welcome to the forums from a dull damp UK. [I am one of the olders ones @KGIII mentiond]
Yep! Every day is a perfect day to learn!:) Welcome aboard!
