New here!


New Member
May 2, 2024
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Good Morning!

I recently joined the forums as I am attending my first semester for Computer Science and programming. However, I noticed that classes for Linux are just for introduction. I have spoken to one of the professors and he recommended that I learn Linux and python beyond what the college offers. I downloaded several distros and basically fell in love. I am researching a laptop I can back up and wipe the Windows OS off of and load a distro as my main (most likely Ubuntu or Mint) and then VM several others. Mainly Kali and Parrot. Not sure about others but would love recommendations. I do not want to stay with one distro and ignore the others.


G'day JKelly, Welcome to
Welcome to the forums, if you are not familiar with Linux and basic terminal codes and usage then you will struggle to install Kali [read the full Kali documentation especially this page..]
all Pen-testing distributions will be a challenge for anyone unfamiliar with Linux, we would normally recommend you install a standard desktop distribution to learn how linux works, then you can add the ""Tools"" to that distribution or install a dedicated pen-testing distro.
Some distros considered newbie friendly see
Welcome to the forums, if you are not familiar with Linux and basic terminal codes and usage then you will struggle to install Kali [read the full Kali documentation especially this page..]
all Pen-testing distributions will be a challenge for anyone unfamiliar with Linux, we would normally recommend you install a standard desktop distribution to learn how linux works, then you can add the ""Tools"" to that distribution or install a dedicated pen-testing distro.
Some distros considered newbie friendly see
I used Ubuntu back in early 2000’s. It’s been a while. I only downloaded Kali and Parrot as that is what my school recommends. But, I am playing around with Ubuntu today. Thank you for the welcome!

Hello @JKelly,
Welcome to the forum. Enjoy the journey!
You may find this page helpful in your Linux journey.
Thank you for the welcome! I am reading through that board now! It is amazing how much I forgot since our house switched over to MacOS.

I only downloaded Kali and Parrot
than may i suggest you try Parrot it is more user friendly, the home edition has some "tools already, and the rest can be installed, of you could use the parrotsec dedicated pentesting build
:) Hello and welcome! :)
Welcome to the Forum.