Hello everyone


New Member
Apr 27, 2024
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I would like to welcome the whole community.

I am a newcomer to the forum. I come here because I have become interested in the topic of Linux and Python. I have chosen the Debian distribution. I would like to learn about Linux and Python with your help. As I have neither experience in Linux administration nor in programming I would ask you to direct me to some guides that will help me learn it in a logical way. Here are the sources I would like to start with:

How do you think I could assess my own level of knowledge?


I think the basics would involve installing PIP so that you can trivially install Python packages.

:) welcome :)
Welcome to the Forum.
Debian is a great choice if you like the OS to stay out of your way and just let you do your thing. Welcome to the Forum
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Welcome to the forums
this being Linux, there are plenty of free resources to wind you on your merry way, just take your time and dont panic

Linux is never a bad choice :)

Python, well, not my cup of tea to be honest. But I hear most people find it a language that is easy to learn. So enjoy!
I would like to welcome the whole community.

I am a newcomer to the forum. I come here because I have become interested in the topic of Linux and Python. I have chosen the Debian distribution. I would like to learn about Linux and Python with your help. As I have neither experience in Linux administration nor in programming I would ask you to direct me to some guides that will help me learn it in a logical way. Here are the sources I would like to start with:

How do you think I could assess my own level of knowledge?

Maybe some sorta test or something
Welcome to the forums!

Why did you choose Python?
Is this your first programming language? and what do you plan to develop in the future?

I chose Python for several reasons.

1. it's my first programming language.
2. I read that it is an easy programming language for beginners.
3. it has a lot of libraries that make it easy to write different programs.
4. it seems to me to be a good programming language to help with Linux administration (it even comes installed by default).

My goal is to understand programming and Linux. I have no specific plans with this language in terms of commercial use. Not enough knowledge, not enough experience at this point. Above all, I would like to understand it.
In terms of choosing Debian, I suggested that a lot of other distributions were based on it. So it is probably best to start with the basics.