Solved Display problem with Windows games after power outage

Solved issue


New Member
Mar 30, 2021
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After every power outage (got many of them here) my pc refuses to display Windows games properly (specifically in this case - ELEX under steam). When starting the game it displays the main menu, but when entering the game the screen goes black. It happenes on other Windows game running under Wine. The only solution I found is to boot Windows 10 and then restart linux. This happenes on both MX and manjaro. Any ideas?

System info:
Operating System: MX Linux 23
KDE Plasma Version: 5.27.5
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.103.0
Qt Version: 5.15.8
Kernel Version: 6.6.9-amd64 (64-bit)
Graphics Platform: Wayland
Processors: 12 × 11th Gen Intel® Core™ i5-11600KF @ 3.90GHz
Memory: 15.5 GiB of RAM
Graphics Processor: AMD Radeon RX 6600
Manufacturer: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
Product Name: B560M DS3H


sounds like you need to invest into a UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) so when the power fails you can shut down your machine properly - most likely some type of corruption is occurring at sudden loss of power
sounds like you need to invest into a UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) so when the power fails you can shut down your machine properly - most likely some type of corruption is occurring at sudden loss of power
I might do that eventually, but the fact that Windows clears this corruption hints there's an inexpensive software solution.
but the fact that Windows clears this corruption
You must be joking, in that case you can be a happy Windows user.
I remember the day when Linux 'declared war' to corruption and came up with a new file type system.
The corruption will remain, no matter what.. by reads and writes or combined.
You wanna go cheap, ok
You want to eradicate it, then find out who's the generator, usually is the memory.

pc refuses to display Windows games properly
entering the game the screen goes black
Properly like how ? How it looks like ?
Can't understand "goes back" :confused: Back to where?

The only solution I found is to boot Windows 10 and then restart linux. This happenes on both MX and manjaro.
To my understanding you was in Linux when that happened, right.
If your MX and Manjaro are on wayland, that could be the answer to that issue.
I think the booting process actually fixed that, not W10. Wayland reacted slow or not at all(X is still better) and
even X do things from time to time.

when the power fails you can shut down your machine properly
I will 'edit' this with you can't shut down
When power goes off @ForeverNoob, the operating system have no time to save and to bring it to a 'default' state
. So if you.. "(got many of them here)" take very seriously his advice, because one day you gonna regret it.
A UPS is like a punching bag in front of your hardware, in front of your power supply TOO.
Overall, despite what @GatorsFan 'suggested' that can be a some type of corruption, I doubt it !
Not sure. How do I find out? Not been using Windows for 3.5 years now, forgot everything I once knew.
these are my notes of disable fastboot. I do it on every windows computer I see because it does nothing but cause problems.

in search box
Type Control Panel and hit Enter on your keyboard.
Click Power Options.
Click Choose what the power buttons do.
Click Change settings that are currently unavailable.
Click Turn on fast startup (recommended) so that the checkmark disappears.

You might want to check other things in power options like change it so it actually shuts down instead of sleep when you hit power and many other options marketing people thought would be great defaults to screw up windows.
these are my notes of disable fastboot. I do it on every windows computer I see because it does nothing but cause problems.
I didn't know you could disable fastboot in Windows itself, I thought it was a bios/uefi setting?
I didn't know you could disable fastboot in Windows itself, I thought it was a bios/uefi setting?
I think they may be 2 different things with same name. Never investigated fastboot in bios. fastboot in any form is a scourge to us having to fix things, makes it tougher to get in.
Not sure. How do I find out? Not been using Windows for 3.5 years now, forgot everything I once knew.

Buggered if I know - but it appears others do. Follow their instructions. I'm not even entirely sure that it's called Quick Boot now that I've read some of the comments.

There's a feature that makes your Windows start faster and it interferes with the booting process. A power outage would interrupt that. That could be what's causing this.
on most machines, a forced power outage will cause the Bios/UEFI to purge and re-set to default settings,
check both Windows quick-start[fast-boot] and windows secure boot are disabled [if you have to turn them off in windows settings then you will have to do a full power re-start for the changes to be regesterd]
check both Windows quick-start[fast-boot] and windows secure boot are disabled
Not a good workaround to check and disable secure boot. It can lead to problems, heard about that. Windows will "act" on it
and treat it like a violation. Besides, he wont have to.. secure boot have nothing to do with quick/fast boot.
The one in bios, in the bios I have is called turbo boot. He can(if that's the problem.. ) disable/turn off the quick/fast boot in windows with no consequences.
@ForeverNoob should buy a UPS, the next power outage will add more damage to whatever hardware.. or "to the wounds"

After every power outage
He said..
Following some comments here I entered Boot section in BIOS setup and change Fast Boot from 'Disable Link' to 'Enabled'. Rebooted, dropped power using the switch on PC back panel and tested games. Everything worked OK. Seems like a solution.

Thank You all.
Last edited:
I have to apologize for what I have said
Can't understand "goes back" :confused: Back to where?
Because he said
entering the game the screen goes black
I read it wrong.. my bad
But that(screen black) add more to problematic, to your gaming setup ForeverNoob
BTW.. what inspired you to set that nickname? as far I can see you can handle things.

Other than loading something what is set(purposely) to cause black screens, or booting into something broken, I never had
a black screen.. even when I had a AMD GPU.
Mine was prior RX. Some maniacs(or not) said that.. AMD introduced "the black screen" with the RX series.. so please! :oops:
On the other front it was the chips involved.. no(said others) are the processors.
On both sides came later the PSU as "the factor" :mad:
Nope said some, my PSU is verified, all tested, constantly delivering voltages.. and still have the black screen
In the end(today still..) you don't know whom to believe or what to AMD is cashing money.

I had to buy a hole new rig, because of one outage.
Happy to hear that you solved :rolleyes:...the problem..
and don't be mad on me, but I do get nervous when I hear "things" about micro$oft.
To your understanding as a gamer, you have a very well done game and there is a developer and a publisher. The virtue, the credit belongs to developer. The publisher just "buy games" to make money.
In 'our' case, just because micro$oft bought something and that something is goood or well done, that's not their credit.
On the headlines..will be MICROSOFT... Bill Gates..(oh gosh is his hand)
I have to apologize for what I have said

Because he said

I read it wrong.. my bad
But that(screen black) add more to problematic, to your gaming setup ForeverNoob
BTW.. what inspired you to set that nickname? as far I can see you can handle things.

Other than loading something what is set(purposely) to cause black screens, or booting into something broken, I never had
a black screen.. even when I had a AMD GPU.
Mine was prior RX. Some maniacs(or not) said that.. AMD introduced "the black screen" with the RX series.. so please! :oops:
On the other front it was the chips involved.. no(said others) are the processors.
On both sides came later the PSU as "the factor" :mad:
Nope said some, my PSU is verified, all tested, constantly delivering voltages.. and still have the black screen
In the end(today still..) you don't know whom to believe or what to AMD is cashing money.

I had to buy a hole new rig, because of one outage.
Happy to hear that you solved :rolleyes:...the problem..
and don't be mad on me, but I do get nervous when I hear "things" about micro$oft.
To your understanding as a gamer, you have a very well done game and there is a developer and a publisher. The virtue, the credit belongs to developer. The publisher just "buy games" to make money.
In 'our' case, just because micro$oft bought something and that something is goood or well done, that's not their credit.
On the headlines..will be MICROSOFT... Bill Gates..(oh gosh is his hand)

I've been using this AMD adapter more then 2 years now and never had this problem, not until the last couple of months or so. May be it's a problem with newer kernel versions. Recently upgraded to 6.6.9, can't remember which version it used to be. I should have tried solving other versions but didn't think of it until now.
May be it's a problem with newer kernel versions.
Now, don't throw the hot potato into Linux yard ! :(

That is 110.9999% a hardware bug.
Who knows what triggers it, when, why and/or in which circumstance.
Some don't have it(lucky them), some do like you, but is not your fault !

I should have tried solving other versions but didn't think of it until now.
Look.. you do you ! but this black screen WILL hunt you, for sure..
This bug came like I said, with the RX many kernel versions were released? The black screen was present across time. Do you think by finding the needle in the haystack is a solution ? Ok, you do you like I said, let's go then!
But even if you found it, have you took baking into account ?
Can you be certain that "the founded gem" will work ? Hmm..
"backed into kernel" is like a Linux cook or baker, who takes AMD drivers and put them on the kernel, or backed together
So you have a soup.. Linus Torvalds and Linux baking factory :oops:
Kernel developer versus The Factory. Which one ?
But this is not the end of the line or reached the rabbit hole or whatever, because you don't have to !
Look to the other side(microsoft), happens there too.
So.. IS the Linux kernel or a kernel version
the culprit ?
I imagine that those who encountered this bug for the first time were Windows users, but can be also a Linux one..tracking down this info for comparison reasons, will clear the fog a bit, to prove who's the better baker but will not solve anything.
So.. IS your "struggle", this path, quest..whatever, to find another kernel pointless ?

I've been using this AMD adapter more then 2 years now and never had this problem
Happy to hear that.. really :)
So happy to hear. So.. for how long have you played games(dual-booting) on both platforms, with no problems aka no black screens happened ?
I can maybe:rolleyes:... test dual-booting, under X(no Wayland) but I can't fully replicate your experience.
I still have an old and weak AMD GPU(before VEGA) that will do it, but I don't wanna experience one of the.. power outages.
My rig is an old one, you know...also I don't know what games can I play with that card.

One more thing, is not "safe" to cut power off when a operating system is loaded and bad when booting up. You do that when you have no other choice.. a complete freeze, when rebooting is no more an option, when you're stuck in bios(sigh of other defects) or to "recover" after a bad overclocking when pc goes into a boot loop.

You want Linux?
You like Linux?
You can "build" the kernel to fit your hardware specifications.
I on the other hand, I am happy to own a Nvidia GPU, with a driver...not baked in ;)
just some Proprietary GARBAGE from big tech...

Screenshot from 2024-03-16 22-59-11.png


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