Problem replacing Pop_Os! with windows 10


New Member
May 17, 2021
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Hi I have a problem installing windows instead of Pop_Os I managed to create a bootable key from the command line and only that as soon as I try to boot it I start the linux already installed in the pc I tried to start a virtual machine using a virtual box with the iso of plpbt.iso which would be used to virtualize a kind of bios to test the key but the same thing always happens a black screen with a white dash I thought it could be the key but I don't think I have a 32 gb kingston data travel 3.0 and now i don't know what to do i say thanks in advance

I don't suppose you looked at the URL for this site, or perhaps any of the logos on the page?
Yes I have looked I know that I am on the linux forum x I believe I am also in the right place since I am using a linux distro and the error could be in the linux distro I know that if I have to install windows there is the windows users forum but this is the forum for linux
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Sì ho guardato lo so che sono sul forum linux x credo di essere anche nel posto giusto dato che sto usando una distro linux e l'errore potrebbe essere nella distro linux so che se devo installare windows c'è il forum degli utenti di Windows, ma questo è il forum per Linux
Please translate your reply to English because the forum language is English.
I managed to create a bootable key from the command line
I think that is impossible. Can you show us where you found instructions? I have seen several USB burning programs that claim to be able to make a Windows USB, but none that I have tried have ever worked. If you want to make a bootable Windows 10 USB so that you can install it, you need to use another Windows computer, and use their Media Creation Tool. This tool will not run in Linux.
Hey yes I have tried using many programs including woeUSB and Untebootin. If this is really how you can't install windows without another pc with windows i don't know what to do already i don't know if you can recommend me the best linux operating system for beginners that works well and is for beginners
You can buy Windows 10 on USB if that is what you want. Here is one seller, but I don't know if it would be available where you live. Windows is expensive.

The Linux you are using, Pop_OS!, is very popular and many new users like it. So other Linux suggestions you might like better, or maybe not. But Linux is free, and you can burn different ones to your USB to try them before you install them. Keep trying until you find what you like and what runs good on your computer.

Unetbootin sometimes has trouble even with Linux, and many people would recommend that you download Balena Etcher to burn your USB instead. It is very simple and easy to use. You have to be sure to get the complete Linux ISO downloaded or it will fail to burn. The files are often 2-3 GB in size.

Other popular Linux for beginners are:
Linux Mint
MX Linux
Zorin OS Lite (I use this one)
Linux Lite
And many, many others.

Good luck!
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