No question. Just a thank you.

Hillbilly H

Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Reaction score
My name is Hillbilly and ive been windows free for one year today! "Loving it!"
:)..Thank all of you for your time and effort put into Linux and helping others learn.. :)

It really takes some getting used to, but a year to use linux comfortably for a computer enthusiast (or just a cheap person:D) is totally worth it. I'm on no-windows for probably over two years, and recently trying to switch back to windows when nostalgically reminiscing a few things i could use it for flawlessly before was really disappointing and disastrous. Also, i kid you not, the windows bootloader locked my wifi in the linux partition with default fast boot! I was NOT expecting that at all. That was it! I was like "okay, you are now banished!". I don't even know how the windows bootloader could do that. Maybe that is a security problem for Ubuntu that shouldn't be overlooked. How can windows auto access the user space of linux?
Congratulations on your anniversary. It won't be long before you look back and you've been using Linux for two years... Time flies when you're having fun!
It won't be long before you look back and you've been using Linux for two years...

Lol, he already has, a few days ago - it's just that he is now using only Linux for one year now.

Well done, Hillbilly ;)

Coming up 9 years ago, in a few months, since I accidentally blew away Windows 7 by pressing the wrong button.

I could have put it back on (had 3 Linux on at the time), but thought "No, bugger it, I will see how I go with just Linux".

Since that fortuitous mishap, I have not ever had a reason to regret the choice.

Don't expect I ever will.

Enjoy your Linux.

My name is Hillbilly and ive been windows free for one year today!
You make it sound like an AA meeting, ........... to some it probably is
Coming up 9 years ago, in a few months, since I accidentally blew away Windows 7 by pressing the wrong button.
What?! Really?! That sounds even more unbelievable than my wifi story above. Please tell me more...

You make it sound like an AA meeting, ........... to some it probably is
LMFAO, I actually did go to gamblers anonymous when i was in college for 2 meetings because i had a gambling addiction, but it wasn't terribly serious and i was better off stopping on my own...i really didn't like their religious and rigid attitudes about abstinance...i haven't gambled in years, i didn't need them.

I do think such approaches are interesting, life can be really hard at times, some find such groups to be helpful. Things can also change in the blink of and eye, recently things were going really well for me then i started having old problems a couple days ago and i was just horribly miserable, but luckily things seem to be looking up again...
My name is Hillbilly and ive been windows free for one year today! "Loving it!"
:)..Thank all of you for your time and effort put into Linux and helping others learn.. :)
Time to celebrate!!!
Congrats Hillbilly H !
I've been windows free for a few years now. {Can't remember exactly how many}
The general idea is that Windows is easy to learn. HAH !!! That is what has been fed the public.
In a short time, you will probably find windows very difficult to navigate; after getting accustomed to the ease with which Linux does things.
I find Linux very logical and easy to learn. My problem is remembering what I have learned. I guess that comes with age. {88 and moving on to more learning}.
Old Geezer,
Tango Charlie
you didn't consider swapping to Linux a gamble surely :D
Well everything is a gamble. The issue with switching (im sure everyone totally new to linux) is risking frustration and loss of computer functionaliy, i'd assume that everyone who switches knows to backup their data.
Well everything is a gamble. The issue with switching (im sure everyone totally new to linux) is risking frustration and loss of computer functionaliy, i'd assume that everyone who switches knows to backup their data.
You do know what they say about ass u me don't you?
I would not assume anything of anyone coming over from Windows.
You do know what they say about ass u me don't you?
I would not assume anything of anyone coming over from Windows.
LOL, good point, yet in order to change your operating system, i assume you know what an iso is and and that an imagine writing program will erase the data on your flash drive.
Lol, he already has, a few days ago - it's just that he is now using only Linux for one year now.

Well, I did tell 'em it'd be quick!

LOL In just a short time, he'll be at three years. At some point, I stopped really paying attention and then looked back to realize it had been quite a while. I wonder how many of us would be in a new category at the poll about how long you've used Linux?
Well, I did tell 'em it'd be quick!

LOL In just a short time, he'll be at three years. At some point, I stopped really paying attention and then looked back to realize it had been quite a while. I wonder how many of us would be in a new category at the poll about how long you've used Linux?
Lol, i think i also think what i said before was exaggerated by accident. Whoops! Im not even going to try to figure this out cuz i have lots of crap to do. I installed linux my first time 5 years ago, then without any social support. How long it took to use linux only is kinda unclear now. I kinda have crazily gone back and forth between things. Its all so wierd and beyond what anyone outside of the computer nerd community would think was adult and necessary.
Whoops! Im not even going to try to figure this out cuz i have lots of crap to do. I installed linux my first time 5 years ago, then without any social support.

My experience was different. I pretty much moved all my regularly used devices to Linux within a day or two. As for support, I'm kinda stubborn. I think I've asked two or three questions at support sites.
As for support, I'm kinda stubborn.
LOL i am stubborn "But" i know my skill sets and not to proud to ask for help and try to get edgeyoucated... :D
8 years of Freedom for me and loving every minute.
Just over the decade here. Bang on the dot of EOL for XP, that was it.....I jumped feet-first into the Linux sea, and quickly learnt to swim in very short order. The learning curve was nowhere near as steep as everyone reckoned....which to me indicated just how entrenched in our ways so many of us become. Actually, I date my Linux use to the previous year, when I'd already begun playing around with our 'Pup' on the elderly Dell lappie. Hence, why I say the decade.

Humans are definitely creatures of habit, and computer usage patterns are one of those things that confirm it.

I blew Windows out of my life literally overnight. This action was probably helped by the fact that I had never had the need of Windows for anything specific OR job-related. I'd been keeping personal stuff on external drives for years, so there was nothing to have to save from XP itself.

At my work, we had absolutely no use for such things; even in our small office, a computer would have been total overkill. (Notwithstanding the fact that our guv'nor was way too tight with money to waste any on such 'frivolities', especially at late 80s / early 90's prices..!)

To date, I've really enjoyed every minute of it. Haven't had so much fun in years.

Sad reflection on the state of my life, I guess...!! :p

Mike. :)
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LOL i am stubborn "But" i know my skill sets and not to proud to ask for help and try to get edgeyoucated... :D
In my experience, although some CAN be kinda 'snotty', the majority of Linux forums are really friendly places. More so than you could ever say about those dedicated to Windows, where so many simply want to brag about their technical prowess. I guess some of that is engendered by the fact that "bragging" does at least help you to stand out from the massive crowd..!

One of the marks of any decent community - small OR otherwise - is that members WILL usually try to help each other out....


Mike. :D
