Hi, all...


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2022
Reaction score
New to this forum, though not new to Linux. Been using it for the best part of a decade, and never regretted the move; 6 months with Ubuntu, over 8 years with Puppy.

I fancy several of you will know me from other fora, anyway. Mostly here for chats, etc, though happy to give advice where I can.

Greetings, guys!

Mike. ;)

Hi Mike,
Welcome to the Linux.org Forums --Great to have you here! :)
We can always use more regulars who can offer assistance. So, welcome aboard...
Your avatar looks awfully familiar, Dave. And I know I recognise that 'handle'.

Where do I remember you from? It wasn't the Ubuntu forums, was it? :confused:

Mike. :)
I have been a member of the Ubuntu Forum since 2004. But not very active for awhile on there, also been on puppy forums but again not active for awhile there. Mostly on the Mint forums now and here. Also PCLinuxOS and a few others.
Been doing Linux since 1995 or so.
We can always use more regulars who can offer assistance. So, welcome aboard...
Well.....we'll see! Mainstream distros are not really my cup of tea; that honour goes to Puppy. I package no end of stuff for our community, including a whole range of 'Puppy-portable' applications, help out with the noobs, and am part of the small mod team over there. All of which keeps me fairly busy..!

I just enjoy helping folks. Simple as that.

Mike. ;)
Welcome to the Forum.
Hello Mike Walsh and welcome to the Linux.org forums. :D
G'day Mike, good to see you exploring the friendly skies.
Yeah, what he said ^ :)


(Mike and Brian and I have known each other for maybe 6 - 7 years)
Aww.....thanks for the welcome, guys. (Like I said, I know most of you anyway from years gone by, so.....in a way, it's like coming home.)

Good 'ere, ain't it?

I know most of you anyway from years gone by, so.....

Nah, we have 56,441 Linux members, lol.

But yes, you will have and will likely find more, faces and names that you know.

I'll stop short of calling them Linux refugees, maybe they just have good taste?

Glad you are enjoying yourself, Mike.

Welcome Mike!
Tried Many of Mike's portables - run great on many distros I have used. Good man is our Mike.
Welcome to this wonderful community, may your stay be long and joyful.
