Fedora 39 pushed out again.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2019
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Fedora 39 has moved from 10/27 to 10/31, and then now it's 11/07.

I would complain that it's getting to be a habit, but better to release it when it's ready than release it if it's buggy.

Fedora 39 has moved from 10/27 to 10/31, and then now it's 11/07.

I would complain that it's getting to be a habit, but better to release it when it's ready than release it if it's buggy.
I'm a new Fedora user, did I make the right choice? I tried Ubuntu many times and now I decided to install fedora for the first time, does it work more stable than Ubuntu?
I'm a new Fedora user, did I make the right choice? I tried Ubuntu many times and now I decided to install fedora for the first time, does it work more stable than Ubuntu?

In my opinion, they are very close. Some people say Ubuntu is more "more new user friendly".
But most of my computers are running Fedora without any problems.
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This is not a surprise. Last year the same developers pushed out v37 until the middle of November. I didn't know it would be the last time I would be able to install this distro successfully on my computer.
I'd rather they push it out than release something that isn't ready.

This may be a good time to get involved on a personal level to see what you can do to help. As many know, I'm on the Lubuntu team. I'm not a coder but they've even allowed me to become an Official Member. The point being, you don't need to be an expert nor a programmer. If you want to give them some of your time, they'll find a way for you to be useful.
G'day @hasu and welcome to linux.org :)

I'm a new Fedora user, did I make the right choice?

You certainly did not make a wrong choice, Fedora is a good and popular distro for many.

...does it work more stable than Ubuntu?

Apples and oranges are both round fruits but have significant differences.

I have not seen a review of a comparison between the two but I have used both extensively over the years and found them mostly satisfactory.

You could try a search in Google or your favourite search engine with

fedora v ubuntu compare


Chris Turner
Hello @hasu,
Welcome tot he Forum, Fedora is a great distro, It's more geared toward cutting edge. but is usually quite good by the time it's released. Enjoy!

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