Linux journey from scratch

I thought Linux did not require these as it is immune to viruses.
Linux comes with a built-in firewall, you only have to set it up, its Antivirus we do not usually install

I see this morning that the Duck's post seems to be missing I'll give you one of the page he had listed
That page will give you the basics in small bites.
As for your statement about viruses, it's true that Linux does not suffer from as much malware attention as Windows but there are still those out there willing to try. I don't think at this point you need virus software. But you need to be diligent in web pages you click on and download from. Even if it's difficult to infect a linux machine it can still be used to pass on Windows malware to other users of Windows. So just use care. Linux from Scratch is a great learning tool, but you may want to learn at a bit slower rate while using your machine with a regular distro first. JMHO :) Good luck in your quest.
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Linux from Scratch is a great learning tool, but you may want to learn at a bit slower rate while using your machine with a regular distro first
Several posters in this thread mentioned "linux from scratch" but I don't think @rohanbari was interested in that but rather about "learning from scratch" :)
Seems like misunderstanding, no?
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Several posters in this thread mentioned "linux from scratch" but I don't think the @rohanbari was interested in that but rather about "learning from scratch" :)
Seems like misunderstanding, no?
Yes, you are quite right. A little misunderstanding, but it's okay.
The folks here gave me a sufficient number of options to work on in order to explore Linux.

I'm excited to invest my time in this beautiful system.
You are so supportive! I guess I'll take the challenge.
I did not imagine this community to be this quick at replies and nice in behavior.

We're quite a different forum and have gained a reputation for being kind and supportive.

The speed of the responses is not guaranteed, but civility is more or less certain.

Also, I spend a good deal of time and effort trying to make it easier for people to use Linux. Heck, I have a site ( with hundreds of articles just to work at that goal.

I'm also on the Lubuntu team, though my role is just testing.
Thanks Alexzee to motivate me. I'm feeling like I have got my true Linux family here. Not a Lone Wolf anymore.

I won't hesitate to ask any relevant question regarding my Linux journey. Thanks!
You're welcome-:)

There are plenty of people who are willing to put the work in and do their own Linux versions. One that springs to mind, for those who would be surprised, is that there's an elderly lady who uses LFS - at least one of them.

Being 'of age' myself, I was surprised to learn this. She's a regular poster on another forum. I wasn't surprised that she could, but that she would. I too am pretty old. I'd rather spend my time elsewhere. That was what surprised me.
Heh. I guess you're referring to 'Hazel', yes? One of the regulars over at, as I recall.

Yes, she's quite an amazing old girl, really. Her 3 main distros are LFS, NixOS......and Gentoo, of all things. I have an a/c over there myself, though I haven't posted there for several months; there was an influx of "idiots" - for want of a better description - and it soured the atmosphere for me. Didn't seem the same after that....

Mike. :(
@rohanbari :-

Welcome to of the "nicer" Linux forums around.

I wouldn't worry too much about trying to "master" Linux. There's no such thing as Linux 'gurus', either (despite that other Linux fora would have you believe otherwise!)

There's varying degrees of 'noobness', that's all. Even Linux veterans are simply old noobs.......they've just been using it for longer than beginners (or 'new' noobs, if ya like).

Every day of your Linux journey there's summat new to learn.....and I challenge any Linux user alive to prove otherwise. I've been running Linux in one form or another for just on a decade now.....and I still consider myself a 'noob'.

Oh, sure; I've picked up a fair bit of knowledge along the way. My Bash skills have improved out of all recognition to my first, fumbling the point where I use those skills to write and assemble various utilities and small apps for the 'Puppy' Linux community. I'm primarily a software guy, mainly a packager.......I've repackaged a whole range of apps into 'portable' app format for Puppy, too (because it just works better with the way Puppy operates).

....and I moderate on a couple of other fora, and "help out" with the 'newer' noobs as best I can. I like helping people; I'm just altruistic, I guess!

Mike. :D
Heh. I guess you're referring to 'Hazel', yes? One of the regulars over at, as I recall.

Yes, except you're on where she's decidedly not a regular. Though, I'd avoided specifics regarding their name as I didn't want to 'put them out there'.

Her 3 main distros are LFS, NixOS......and Gentoo, of all things.

That's someone willing to put the work in. It's someone who's willing to learn and invest their time and effort into achieving their computational goals. Though, as I understand it, she's got a very long history with computers.

Like, longer than my own history and I first used computers in the early 70s.
Yes, except you're on where she's decidedly not a regular. Though, I'd avoided specifics regarding their name as I didn't want to 'put them out there'.
D'ohh!! My bad; I meant, of course....

But fair comment about the names.....although I doubt Hazel would mind. She runs at least two blogs, if not 3 - one quite "existential" in nature! - and from what I understand she's also a long-standing regular on the Nix and Gentoo forums as well.

And this is somebody who describes herself as "just a little old lady". Though she's more than capable of defending herself.......she has quite an acerbic tongue at times!

Mike. :)
What helped me most in "learning Linux" was answering questions. Back in the day we would hang out in IRC and forums and just look at what people were asking, then googling around trying to find the answer. The discuss with the community.
My initial issue was not knowing in which direction to go, so I just had other people present me with problems. Pick any new thread in the forum thats a bit above your level and try to solve it.
What helped me most in "learning Linux" was answering questions. Back in the day we would hang out in IRC and forums and just look at what people were asking, then googling around trying to find the answer. The discuss with the community.
My initial issue was not knowing in which direction to go, so I just had other people present me with problems. Pick any new thread in the forum thats a bit above your level and try to solve it.
I guess this is how I learned programming through Stack Overflow!

Back in lockdown, I was online on Stack Overflow (as a member) and mostly answered the questions users posted about C, C++, VB.Net, and VS Code. The majority of the posts contained things I did not know of.

I used to Google, and Stack Overflow about sub-topics related to the problem, read and find in books, etc.

Now I see it is the same applicable for working with Linux.
I guess this is how I learned programming through Stack Overflow!

Back in lockdown, I was online on Stack Overflow (as a member) and mostly answered the questions users posted about C, C++, VB.Net, and VS Code. The majority of the posts contained things I did not know of.

I used to Google, and Stack Overflow about sub-topics related to the problem, read and find in books, etc.

Now I see it is the same applicable for working with Linux.
For me, I usually hear about something that sparks my interest. I want to know more so I start looking around the internet. Eventually, I can see all of the seemingly unrelated things in some way or another affect each other, triggered a new version, resulted in... On and on. When I stumble on things related to other things I already devoured, I need to look up less. And then I start to see how everything comes around full circle.

Dang! I sound like a philosopher! I better cut that out!
I sincerely appreciate this topic and the responses on the thread. I will like to get on LFS, and I want to know if I can do all of it in a VM or I must get a separate computer to try every lesson on.
Thank you.
I sincerely appreciate this topic and the responses on the thread. I will like to get on LFS, and I want to know if I can do all of it in a VM or I must get a separate computer to try every lesson on.

You can do it on a VM, just make the hard drive is big enough. There will be two OS's on this VM for a while.
The original Linux that you are building from, and the custom Linux that you are building.

It's not really "lessons", it's just building additional packages until you get enough of an OS to run on it's own.
Once you get most of the stuff in your rooted environment, then you can copy it over to it's own VM.

My personal opinion, is that what makes a good distro is package management.
If you can figure out how to do all the library and package dependencies for every other package without conflicts, then
the rest is easy. <amaging system OS and package updating as a one man show is very time consuming and difficult.
It can be a full-time job ( with no pay )

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