Two images for your amusement...


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Jul 23, 2020
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I have no IP address.

More accurately, I'm using satellite now, so there's a lag. Sometimes it causes strange glitches I didn't see while using DSL.


That's an ad on That's all there is to it, but I've since clicked through to check it out.

That hat costs $1,100 or more. It's supposed to bombard your scalp with low-level lasers and regrow hair. I looked and it has a slim chance of helping in certain situations, but here's the thing: I have too much hair. My hair is insanely thick and I have a whole lot of it.

I have no idea why Google is trying to sell me a magical hair-growing hat (that you only need for like 6 minutes per day - as in that's how long they suggest you use it every day). If Google wants to sell me hair products, they should be going the other way. I've been lazy during the pandemic, but I usually pay a stylist to actually *thin* my hair. I no longer can, 'cause I'm getting too many gray hairs, but I traditionally donate my hair to Locks of Love every 18 months. I have that much hair and age doesn't seem to be slowing it down any.

Ah well... I hope you're as amused by those images as I am. Probably not. I'm easily amused.

So YOU'RE the guy who's stealing everyone's hair!

Well, not the facial hair. I'm mostly Native American, so I can't grow a full beard.

But, the rest of my head hair is quite plentiful. As far as that goes, I pretty much won the genetic lottery.

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